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Historical timeline of cameras


The 35mm still camera was developed by Oskar Barnack of German Leica camera




The Daguerreotype Camera was annouced in 1839 it is now one the most exspensive camera

In 1861 the steroscope camer was invented by Oliver Wendell Holmes

the Raisecamera was invented in the 1900s it is extreme light weight and easy to fold it was the most used camera by photographers


The kodak film camera was made in 1888 by George Eastman


In the 1500s the first pinhole camera was invented by Alhazen


In 1859 the Panoramic camera came out made by Thomas Sutton


Edwin Land invented the Polaroid camera which could take a picture and print it in about one minute.


Konica introduces the first point-and-shoot, autofocus camera Konica C35 AF. It was named “Jasupin”.


By Madelyn Mcbride

In 2008, legendary and ground-breaking company Polaroid stopped producing all of its instant films and cameras. While Polaroid pioneered instant photography, and photography in general, the company couldn’t maintain the public’s interest in instant film photography in an ever-increasing digital age.


in 1981 the first digital electronic still camera its called the Sony Mavica it could record images on a mini disk and put it in the tv or a colored printer



The Canon EOS 5D is launched. This is first consumer-priced full-frame digital SLR with a 24x36mm CMOS sensor.


Kodak released the first professional digital camera system (DCS) which was of a great use for photojournalists. It was a modified Nikon F-3 camera with a 1.3 megapixel sensor.

A surfer named Nick Woodman wanted a way to capture photos while he was surfing, so he began tinkering with 35mm cameras. Woodman continued to improve on his design, and in 2010, his company, GoPro, released the GoPro HD hero.

the HD Hero marked the first rugged, waterproof camera able to capture video in 1080p. Since then, the Hero line of cameras has become the standard in the now-widespread market of action cameras.



the first digital camera was made for consumer- level market that worked with a home computer

Kodak ceases production of film cameras



In 2000 Camera phone was introduced in Japan by Sharp/J-Phone

In 2003 the Four-Thirds standard for compact digital SLRs introduced with the Olympus E-1; Canon Digital Rebel introduced for less than $1000



In 2001 the camera company Polaroid goes bankrupt

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