How to Ease the Traffic Congestion in Hong Kong?
- Hong Kong has a short 2,000km road network with the highest density of vehicles.
- Roads in Hong Kong are narrow.
- Uneven distribution of traffic. For example, most of the cars use the Hung Hum Cross Harbour Tunnel instead of the Western Harbour Tunnel. Why? Price Variance between them.
- Harbour Tunnel: $8 to $30
- Western Tunnel: $23 to $128
Number of Total Vehicles through Cross Harbour Tunnel: 7795801 (Statistics of August 2012)
- Increased by 1.5% compared to August 2011
Number of Licensed Vehicles: 644060 (Statistics of August 2012)
- Increased by 3.4% compared to August 2011
Number of Private Vehicles per 1000 population:
- In 2002: 50.7
- In 2011: 61.6
Number of Motor Vehicles per 1000 population:
- In 2002: 78.1
- In 2011: 88.6
Average Daily Public Transport Passenger Journeys by Public Transport Operator:
- In 2007: 11522.6
- In 2011: 11914.2
- Can't use in foggy or rainy weather
- Expensive: High-Tech Product
- Not suitable for people who fear heights
- Cant see at night- so how to operate?
- The shoes can store the energy - Can be used at night or when its not sunny
- Have a GPS system and a radar
- More like an entertainment for people ( can enjoy the view from the elevator)
- Can reach places where there are no roads
The End
Transport Figures of Hong Kong
Flying Hat (Modification)
- Install a Light in the Hat
- Have special glasses to see in foggy weather
Figures by the Transport Department of HK
Flying Hat (Benefits)
Traffic Congestion in Hong Kong
- Frustration
- Annoyed
- Noisy
- Time Consuming
- Pollution (Health)
Flying Hat
What is Traffic Congestion?
- Traffic congestion is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. (Source: Wikipedia)
- The Escape Method (Provocation)
- Just wear the hat and go where one wants
'Traffic Congestion'
Turbo Shoes
Turbo Shoes (modifications)
Content (Blue Hat)
- Distortion Method (Provocation)
- Shoes that have a turbo and make you go fast
- Controlled by a remote that can be put on the wrist
- Operates from Solar Energy
- If it runs on solar energy, how to operate at night or when its not sunny?
- More accidents likely to occur due to the turbo speed
- No need for a car to go around:
Save money - no cost on maintenance or fuel
- Something new for people to experience (like a game with a remote) - can enjoy
(1) Facts and Information
(2) Our feelings
(3) Solutions
(a) Benefits
(b) Drawbacks
(4) Conclusion
Flying Elevator
Flying Elevator (Modification)
- Wishful Thinking Method & Distortion
- Get in the elevator and flies to different locations
- like a public transport: has stops in different places
Flying elevator (Drawback)
- Have a TV inside the Elevator to distract the people who fear heights
- Not suitable for people who are afraid of heights
Flying Elevator (Benefits)
- Identified problem : Traffic Congestion in Hong Kong
- Talked about the Transport Figures
- Own feeling towards Traffic Congestion
- Solutions to the problem:
(1) Flying Hat
(2) Turbo Shoes
(3) Flying Elevator
- Benefits and Drawbacks
- Modifications