- Round- He developed throughout the story
- Thoughts- He starts to care for Boo
- Protagonist
- main character
- dynamic- he changed the scare floor to the laugh floor.
- Effect on other characters- he gave up on getting Boo home, when Randall took her
- Looks- He small, green, has one Big eye, and little grey horns
- He starts to care for Boo.
- Looks- teeth, dark teal nose, thick blue eyebrows, long tail, purple spots, and horns.
- He contributes to the theme because he starts to care for Boo.
- Sulley frees Boo from the breathing machine.
- Sulley, Mike, & Boo ride up the door to get Boo home safely.
- Initial Conflict- Randell, the chameleon & Henry, the spider found out that Boo snuck out of her room, so they are trying to kidnap her.
- Characters - James P. Sullivan, Mike Wazowski, Boo, Randell Boggs, Henry Waternoose
- Flat- we don't really know anything about him
- Sulley & Mike find Boo's door and Boo gets home safe and sound. Then they shred Boo's door so she'll never come back
Movie Plot Diagram
- Sulley finds Boo's door & takes a look inside.
- Boo sneaks out of her room into Monsters Inc.
- Sulley and Mike take Boo to their apartment to hide her.
- They decide to get her home safely, so they take her back to Monsters Inc.
Background info. - Boo runs out of her room and Randall tries to kidnap her. Sully and Mike try to keep her out of sight.
Love the unknown- Mike and Sully begin to grow on loving Boo
- He contributes to the theme by hating Boo.
- Setting- In Monstropolis, Monsters Incorporated, the apartment, & the locker room.
- Randell follows Mike, Sulley, & Boo up the doors.
- The light on the doors were not shinning so Boo couldn't get through.