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Stage 1

Mild Hypothermia

The body reaches 35 degrees Celsius and is in that state for at least 30 minutes causing shivering.

Stage 2

Moderate Hypothermia

The body is at 32 degrees Celsius for 32-120 minutes.

Stage 3

Severe Hypothermia

28 degrees Celsius is reached and the body maintains this temperature for 90-180 minutes. This is when the body will shut down and cardiac arrest will happen.

The Four Stages of Hypothermia

By: Sara Philips & Nicole Harris

Stage 4

The final stage of hypothermia leads to death, and during this stage the artries stop pumping blood. When the blood doesn't flow the bodies tissues then start to die and freeze.

"To Build A Fire" Connections

Stage 1- "The man took a chew of tobacco and proceeded to start a new amber beard." (Pg 87) The tobacco was freezing to him.

Stage 2- "Already all sensation had gone out of his feet. To build the fire he had been forced to remove his mittens, and the fingers had quickly gone numb." (Pg 88) He was losing sensation.

Stage 3- "The sight of the dog put a wild idea into his head. He remembered the tale of the man, caught in a blizzard, who killed a steer and crawled inside the carcass, and so was saved." (Pg 92) He was becoming delirious.

Stage 4- "Freezing was not so bad as people thought. There were lots worse ways to die." He was becoming helpless.

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