Dr Jill Stewart
Housing, Health and Safety: a brief introduction
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So, it's not rocket science!
• Housing affects health and safety across the life-course in multiple ways
- Good housing is better for everyone
- Housing should be decent, affordable and secure for all
- Decent housing is socially necessary and cost effective
- To optimise resources, we need more evidence of what works well, and why
Precarious housing
Which way now?
Precarious housing includes housing which is unaffordable, unsuitable across a range of measures and insecure - usually a combination of these
- The public health agenda has provided impetus
- We know about the links between housing, health and safety
- What matters is how we effectively intervene
The wider living environment
What are some key housing issues now?
Children having a good start in life...
- Sustainable environment; green and blue spaces; factoring in healthier lifestyles
- Ready access to services (e.g. health care, education, social services, cultural and sporting venues)
- Affordable local shops to promote good dietary habits
- Housing should help promote health, equality and social justice
- Poor living environments can exacerbate isolation, poor mental health and anti-social behaviour
Demographic change (population ageing)
Most people prefer to age in place with appropriate adaptations and care
Others choose to move to a residential care home
Fuel poverty, cold homes and damp
- Thousands become ill and die annually from the effects of cold homes
- Many have to choose between paying for heat, or paying to eat
- Evidence shows it is cost effective to provide heating and insulation and it also accelerates hospital discharge
The privately rented sector and homelessness
- Though offering choice for many, some have no choice and live in very poor conditions including in multiple occupancy housing
- Some of the worst conditions are found in this sector, along with some vulnerable occupants on short term tenancies
- The sector can be unaffordable and lead to homelessness
Housing is about people’s lives
What can we learn from the past?
From paternalism to garden cities to modernism to council housing to where we’re at now, with policy largely favouring home ownership
- People’s homes and their local communities can influence social inclusion, health and well-being
- Decent housing and environments have a positive effect; helping to maintain good health, access to employment, services and community facilities
- Poor housing can cause or aggravate physical or mental ill-health conditions
- Decent housing is the cornerstone to a socially inclusive society.
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