District 287 Online Services
State of the Union
Currently the Online Learning movement in public education in Minnesota is a fledgling educational endeavor. With that in mind, a large part of the goal of our Online Services is to raise awareness of both the potential of and need for investments in Online Learning throughout Minnesota. To this end, District 287 has created the following promotional video, focusing on a call to action in Online Learning. We feel this video helps showcase the energy and growth that currently exists in the online learning sphere.
The litmus test of Online Learning is the degree to which it helps students learn.
Our area of operation covers a wide geographic range and permeates a large number of district services.
1. Specific Curriculum
- SciMent
- New Online Courses: Leadership Experience
- Area Learning Center (ALC) Open Track
2. Hybrid Resources
- Moodle Access for all teachers and students everywhere
3. Continuous Improvement in Current Online Course Content
- Prezi Presentation Software
- Moodle Online Video Player
- Jing Screen Capture Video
4. $300,000 Educational Technology Grant for Developing Online Content
- Funding for hiring staff
- Focus is on Developing Units that can be used in existing classes
We are currently developing on online version for the four popular modules used for the four Minnesota Teaching License requirements.
Consulting provided to itinerant services on a variety of online and technology-related issues.
We believe that technology offers a way to bring people together in an interactive learning environment that ultimately has the potential to greatly improve the educational experience. In many ways, we feel that we're part of the movement that is "Looking for the Mouse." So as Clay Shirky states so well, when people ask us, "What are you really doing?" we like to point to this video and say that we spend as much time as possible looking for ways to put the mouse in our students' educational experiences.
Part II:
Current Projects and Services
Services to Staff
(287, Member District, State-wide)
3. Strategic SHIFT
1. Online Learning
Professional Development Series
• Digital Perspectives: Research and trends in online learning
A 20-hour course that gives the participant an understanding of the current state of Online Learning.
• Digital Delivery: Building an Online Class
A 60-hour course designed to give the student a complete understanding of how to build an online course from concept to finish. Includes Nuts & Bolts
• Moodle Overview
A 2-hour introduction to Moodle, our content management system.
• Moodle Nuts & Bolts
Spring NSO 2010 Enrollment Up 25% from 2009
A 40-hour course designed to give the teacher the skills needed to build online content with Moodle.
Services to Students
(287, Member District, State-wide)
2. Save Your License Online
Part I:
Part III:
Overarching Goals
Clay Shirky's
Where's the Mouse?