Tallangatta Re-establishment Strategy and the
Rowen Park Recreation Reserve
Tallangatta Re-establishment Strategy
Rowen Park Masterplanning
Tallangatta Museum
Golf Course
Caravan Park
The town that moved and has now stopped moving...
- 2.3km Long Shopping Precinct
- Poor quality 1950s architecture
- Lack of Residental Land
- Lakeside village with no lake
- No restaurant or cafes
- Lack of Critical Mass Population
- Need for improved Recreation Facilities
- 25mins from Wodonga
- Affordable Family Living
- Unfulfilled Provincial Victoria Demand
- Town Centred on a Strong Urban Park
- Single Sided Roads with Excellent Views
- Strong Basic Facilities (Supermarket, Bakery, Butcher, Banks)
- Low Capital Improved Values in CBD
- Good Rural Schools & Hospital
- Land and Infrastructure Capacity to Grow
...a clear loss of place in the regional order
Aaron van Egmond - Acting CEO
Sustainability @ the Source
- $650,000 - Fully Funded
- Improved productivity though sustainability
- More with less - water and fertilizer
- Maximise return per Megalitre
- Improving river health - multiple benefits
- Subsequent projects funded as a result
getting moving...
Shirewide Wireless Network
- Multifaceted
- Realistic
- Integrated
- Measured
- Targeted
- Well Planned
- Strong Partnerships (State, Feds)
Tallangatta Wireless Mesh
In 2006 Towong Shire Council deployed Australia's first townwide Wi-Fi mesh network across the town of Tallangatta
Large Areas Unserviced by Broadband
Electric Fence Monitoring
and will continue to be unserviced even with the NBN
How does it operate?
Real-time farm telemetry
and control online
- Significant triple bottom line benefits
- Competitive backhaul links to Albury
- Demonstration of emerging technology
- Initial involvement with MAV, MMV, ACMA and DBCDE
Network Expansion Business Case
- $77,000 funding for Feasibility Study
- Released an RFQ in late 2008
- Eckermann & Associates appointed
Foreshore Masterplan
In partnership with
Currently two products with similar functionaility
- $3,000-$6,000 per unit
- $400-$600 per unit
Final report due in October
- Exceptional Results
- High Agribusiness Demand
With a Shirewide Wireless Broadband
Network everyone could use this solution
Innovation Space at Corryong
Pure Towong Energy
Shirewide Wireless Network
Zero Energy Estate
Sustainability @ the Source
Tallangatta Wirelesss Mesh
The Goal...
Use these core values to establish a key competitive advantage
- North East Victoria
- 10mins east of Albury Wodonga
- 6,635 square kilometres - Area
- 6,019 - Population
- 50% funded by GMW
- Amenity for a Dry Lakebed in a Changing Climate
- Main focus adjacent to Residential Development
- Integrating Recreation areas and foreshore
Demonstrated capacity to serve as a testbed for State & Federal Government
In partnership with:
Tallangatta Central
Pure Towong Energy
- World best practice in Environmentally Sustainable Design
- Residential, Commerical, Tourism and Educational Components
- Focus on Population Growth and resulting ratebase
- Continuing to maintain our competitive advantage
- Ahead of current market demand to meet future markets needs
- Rural Land Use and Residential Settlement Strategy Almost Complete
- 3 Years Ago
- Australia's first Photovoltaic bulk procurement scheme
- A packaged solution including finance
- Extensive community consultation
- Community Hub
- Consolidation of CBD - Vibrant Spaces
- New Architecture
- Engagement with Triangles - Narrowing of Main Street
Tallangatta Residential Estate
The Results - TBL
- Economic return is the key to achieving true sustainability
- ZEN Victorian HQ now located at the Corryong Innovation Space
- $1.75M in capital investment
- $200,000 direct local labour investment
- $850,000 of Federal funding
- $150,000 of loan discounts
- ZEN expansion from Corryong to Albury
- 4 local full-time equivalent jobs created
- New skills learnt and now being exported
- 10 local installers trained
- $25,000 in power savings per annum
- Economic returns flow directly and indirectly back to the local economy
- Deliver Vacant Land once again
- Population Growth
- Council Development
- Raising the Bar
- Sustainability at the Core - WSUD
- 200kW installed of an estimated 2,000 domestic kW in Victoria
- .1% of the population generating 10% of the solar electricity
- 100 times the per capita install rate for Victoria
- 220 tonnes of CO2 savings per annum
- $25,000 community fund
- Youth involvement - $5,000 scholarship
- Embraced by community with pride
most importantly of all it has been replicated by 30+ other Councils