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Is Edna Pontellier a good or bad mother?


By: Macey Lewis, Kelsey Kenrick, and Cansler Manly

At the end of the day, although Edna Pontelleir did care about her kids, she didn't care enough. She cared more about her relationship with Robert than to take care of her kids.

  • It seemed like Edna didn't care for her children, but she did she was just lost in the world and depressed. She was fond of her husband Leonce, she just didn't love him. And for a while she was the ideal mother and wife, but reality hit her and she realized that she doesn't want to be conformed to that life.

Counter Claim

Reason 3

Reason 2

  • Edna was in love with Robert and he left, she was deeply depressed and committed suicide at the end of the book.
  • "... the shore was far behind her, and her strength was gone. She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again." pg. 302-303
  • Instead of spending her time with her husband, she spends all of her time with Robert, the help.
  • "Her marriage to Leonce Pontellier was purely an accident... Edna found herself face to face with the realities. pg. 46-47

Reason 1


  • Edna didn't love her children like a normal mother should, although she did care about them and she forgot about them.
  • "She was fond of her children in an uneven, impulsive way. She would sometimes gather them passionately to her heart; she would sometimes forget them. pg. 47

Edna Pontellier was a bad mother, she didn't love her children, or her husband she loved Robert instead, and she killed herself leaving her children behind to be motherless.

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