Module 1 Lab Project -How the Internet Works
The Internet/Web
The Internet/Web
- The internet is a public, globally connected network of computer networks.
- The web is a graphical user interface to information stored on computers running web servers connected to the internet.
- The web is a subset of the internet.
The Internet
- The Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
The Web
- The Web is the common name for the World Wide Web, a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web browser.
Common Carriers
and Internet Service Providers (ISP)
- Common carriers and ISPs are responsible for delivering the Internet to end-users by establishing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure and networks, including fiber optic cables, data centers, and routers.
- They also ensure that the Internet is available to their customers 24/7 by providing technical support and network maintenance.
Common Carriers and ISP
Common Carriers
- Common Carriers can be a person or company that transports goods or passengers on regular routes at set rates.
Internet Service Providers
- Internet Service Providers, or ISP, is a company that provides subscribers with access to the internet.
Internet Service Providers
Transmission Mediums & IP Addresses
- Transmission mediums play a crucial role in determining the capacity, reliability, cost, distance, and interoperability of communication. Different transmission mediums have different characteristics, making it important to choose the right medium for a particular application.
- IP addresses play a crucial role in routing, network management, location determination, and address allocation. They are essential for efficient and effective data transmission and communication.
Transmission Mediums & IP Addresses
Transition Mediums
- A transmission medium is a system or substance that can mediate the propagation of signals for the purposes of telecommunication.
- Some of these are copper wires, optical fibers, radio waves, satellites, and terrestrial microwaves
IP Addresses
- IP addresses are a unique string of characters that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.
IP Addresses
- store (a website or other data) on a server or other computer so that it can be accessed over the internet.
- allows users to store content offsite, reducing local storage costs and the associated physical footprint.
- four types of hosting offered to web site owners are shared, VPS, dedicated and cloud.
Domains and Domain Name Services (DNS)
- A Domain is a group of computers or websites that are organized by purpose, for example, to provide education or sell products
- The domain name system (DNS) is a naming database in which internet domain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
- Some type of domain names include: .com, .org,
.gov, .net, .edu, etc.)
Domains & Domain Name Service
Protocols & Transmission Control Protocols
Protocols & Transmission Control Protocols
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a communication protocol that provides reliable, ordered delivery of data between applications running on different devices.
- A protocol is a set of rules and standards that govern the communication between devices on a network.
- Some types of protocols are HTTP, FTP, IP, and TCP
- A router is a network device that forwards data packets between computer networks.
- A router works by receiving data packets and examining their IP addresses to determine the best path for forwarding the data.
- Routers are the backbone of the Internet, connecting millions of devices and networks and enabling the exchange of data and information between them.
Clients and Servers
Clients & Servers
- A client is a device or software application that requests services or resources from a server.
- A server is a device or software application that provides services or resources to clients.
- Clients initiate requests for services or resources, and servers respond by providing the information or service requested.