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Multimodel Learning

Research shows that the more varied

the delivery on content the more

dynamic the learning process is.

Incorporating visual, audio, and video

components addresses these needs.

Incorporating video or audio content meets

the need for a varied approach to delivering

instructional information. Embedding these

resources can lead students into posting responses

thereby reaching the participatory needs of students.

Democratization of Knowledge

Students will come to class

having researched information

that applies in part to the lesson.

Being able to harnass this research

is critical. We are making students feel

like their existing knowledge is valued.

Resources like RCampus allow

teachers to create assignments

and present them to the class in

an online form.

Students can use these prompts to

conduct directed research to bring

to class.

Authentic Learning

Using these real-to-life situations

provides context for material learned

during classtime. The value of these

applications is in the creation of

shared content.

The multimodel and participatory approaches

provide a student with an opportunity to

connect with current events and real-to-life


Participatory Learning

Enabling students to discuss classroom content in a secure and online environment allows for an applicaiton of content to real-to-life situations.

Similar resources to RCampus

provide opportunities for discussion

posts or blog entries. These tools

provide students with a secure forum

to express their ideas and view the

thoughts of their classmates.

Wait a Second!

Impact of Online Learning

Too Much time!

We don't have the

right technology1

Not Enough Training!

Districts tend to support the programs

that have real success. They also tend to

support endeavors that the majority of

teachers wish to incorporate. Find a way to

show administration that this is the desire of

the staff and they may improve the infastructure.

While creating an entire

courses worth of content can seem

daunting a piecemeal approach can

still have a positive impact.

The importance is that the process

beginsand not that it is perfected

in the short term.

Locate those teachers that have

experience using these types of

resources. They can help guide you

through the appropriate steps. Practice

make perfect!

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Erstellen von dynamischen und fesselnden Präsentationen mit Prezi