Preserving Evidence
the collecting process will start with collecting the most fragile/easily lost evidence
how things are collected
- arson evidence is usally collected in air-tight clean metal cans
- most items of evidence will be collected in paper containers such as packets,envelopes or bags.
- liquid items can be transported in non breakable leak proof containers
- only large quantities of dry powder and stored in plastic bags
the value of evidence collecting
the value of evidence is important
he/she should spend time on collecting good evidence
ex:if there is fingerprints vs strands from a shirt you should get both but spend more to collecting the evidence for a more accurate investagtion
random facts
photographers should always take pictures especialy when the others are collecting evidence just incase they missed something
collecting evidence should always be
in a logical manner
contamination of evidence
evidence should be closed and secured to prevent the mixture of evidence due to transportation
each container should have the evidence collectors initial
moist or wet evidence can be collected in plastic containers and transported to a evidence recieving center only if stored in container for 2hrs or less
if in contaienr longer than 2hrs ecidence may get contaminated and become useless
items that could cross contaminate each other should be packaged separatly
Secure a Crime Scene
Transfer of evidence
- Preperation
- Approach Scene
- Secure and Protect Scene
- any evidence collected should be initailed by the officer who found it
- As evidence is transfered to be stored the names ALL of the officers that have had it in their position must be recorded
- This helps support the reliablity of evidence in a courte case
Approach Scene
When you arrive on the scene be sure to check for the following things.
- discarded evidence
- possible escape approach & escape routes
- Discuss upcoming search (brief)
- Make sure your team is prepared
- equipment
- communications
- shelter
- food
- medical assistance(IRS
- anything your team might need
- Establish HQ (in major cases)
Secure and Protect Scene
- Take control of the scene on arrival
- Determine how much of the scene is still preserved
- Make sure no one can enter or exit the scene without being documented.
- Document and question all personal who entered the scene in its original condition.
Steps To Processing
A Crime Scene
How to Process A Crime Scene
1.Secure a Crime Scene
2.Examine Scene
Recording the Scene
Three methods in recording a crime scene:
Examine the Crime Scene
- do not move any objects until photos are taken. (unless injured individuals are involved)
- If a moved item value is lost report it
- do not reintroduce objects into the crime scene for photos
- Photos must include entire scene and surrounding areas
- everything within the crime scene must be photographed with intense detail.
- must include description of the scene
- must have location where all phyical evidence was found
- Show who collected evidence and how
- Notes must still be taken even if you use a tape recorder or video
Rough Sketch:
- needs to be a rough sketch of scene
- must include accurate demmensions
- must show location of all evedeince (even bodies)
- Items are sketched by distance mesasurments from two fixed points
- everything must be labled by number or letter
- must include legend and compass
- Final sketch is a neat professional version of the rough sketch
Prepare Narrative
Initiate Preliminary Survey
Photographing Evidence and victims
- Consider what should be there but is not
- Consider situational factors
- Bodies should be photographed in orignal positions
- Close ups of injuries and weapons
- Photos should be taken after removal of the body
Photographing Physical Evedeince:
- needs close ups
- must be photoed with rulers
- must have points of reference
- must be photographed in extreme detail
- Video is allowed but must follow same guide lines
- Organize how to examine the scene
- Do a caustious walk-through
- Select appropriate narrative technique
- Organize tactics to deal with special problem areas
- Aquire preliminary photographs
- ID and protect phyical evidence
- Make extensive notes of enviroment and surroundings
Organized Search Tactics
Evaluate Physical Evidence Possibilities
- Based on the scene determine what kind of evidence might be present
- take care of degradable evidence first
- Focus on obvious then go to detail
- Evaluate whether or not the evidence has been tampered with