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College Readiness:

What’s different in the

new standards?

Pre-Common Core


Post Common Core

Pre - Common Core


Post Common Core

Instructional Shifts

- Focus: learn more about less

- Build skills across grades

- Develop speed and accuracy

- Really know it, Really do it

- Use it in the real world

- Think fast AND solve problems

A Closer Look: Mathematics Shifts


√Resources for parents









NYS Standards 2005

5.N.21 Use a variety of strategies to add and subtract fractions with like denominators.

Common Core 2013


Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers.

Pre - Common Core - Mathematics

Pierre is making an apple crumb pie using the items below.

How much total sugar must Pierre use to make the pie crumb and filling?

F. 7/12 cup

G. 2/6 cup

H. 3/4 cup

J. 2/3 cup

What changes are occurring at the High School level?

Instructional Shifts

“Central to the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts & Literacy is reading, writing, speaking and listening grounded in text.”

- Balance of Informational & Literary Text

- Text dependent discussion and questioning

- Writing from sources

- Close reading of complex text

- Academic Vocabulary

Developmental K - 12 anchor standards...

(inclusive of special ed)

(a continuum of a standard K-12)

Post Common Core - Mathematics

Mr. Morris built a fence to enclose his yard. He put up 3/4 of the fence on Monday. On Tuesday, he put up 1/6 of the fence, and on Wednesday, he put up the rest of the fence. What portion of the fence did he put up on Wednesday?

Parent information: What we all need to know about the Common Core Learning Standards

English Language Arts

So, what can parents really do to help?

- Read as much non-fiction as fiction

- Learn about the world by reading

- Read more challenging material closely

- Discuss reading using evidence

- Write non-fiction using evidence

- Increase academic vocabulary


Putnam Valley Central School District

November 20, 2013

District faculty and administration

Presented by:

Dr. Frances Wills

Ms. Elizabeth Barette

Mr. Vincent Burruano

Mr. Gerry Carlin

Mr. Mick Coleman

Mrs. Natalie Doherty

Mrs. Catherine Dreessen

A Closer Look:

E.L.A./Literacy Shifts

Mr. Edward Hallisey

Mr. Michael Hanna

Mr. Travis McCarty

Mrs. Jenette Mistretta

Mrs. Tricia Murray

Ms. Margaret Podesta

Mrs. Zoe Sousa

Writing assignments that require students to use evidence instead of opinion

Math homework that ask students to use different methods to solve the same problem

Pre-Common Core - E.L.A.

In both the Demosthenes biography and the Icarus and Daedalus myth, the main characters are given advice from other people. Do you respond to advice from other people more like Demosthenes or more like Icarus? Write an essay in which you explain who you are more like when it comes to taking advice and why. Use details from both articles to support your answer.  

In your response, be sure to do the following:


- tell whether you are more like Demosthenes or Icarus

- explain why you respond to advice similar to Demosthenes or Icarus

- use details from both passages in your response

What you should see

Books that are both fiction and non-fiction

Real-world examples that makes what they’re learning in English and math make more sense

Math homework that asks students to write out how they got their answer

Shifts Math Instruction



Important K– 8 to build computational fluency in

tandem with developing a conceptual understanding.


Flash Masters

Group Counting


Daily Math Facts Practice

at home (5 to 10 min)

Shift 1 Focus

Shift 2 Coherence

Shift 3 Fluency

Shift 4 Deep Understanding -

Shift 5 Application - Mathematical

Shift 6 Dual Intensity - Modeling

5 Math Domains

Domain: Operations


Algebraic Thinking

Operations and Algebra (40 – 50%)

Number Operations in Base 10 (5 – 15%)

Number and Operations – Fractions (15 – 25%)

Measurement and Data (15 – 25%)

Geometry (5 to 15%)

Representing and solving problems involving multiplication and division.

Understand properties of multiplication and relationship between multiplication and division.

Multiply and divide within 100.

Solve problems involving the four operations and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Have Another Go!

Use RDW (read, draw, write)

Multiple Choice Examples - 5th Grade

Extended Response - 5th Grade

Common Core in the Class




- English Language Arts -

Pre - Common Core


Post Common Core

- 5th Grade -

Lesson Objective: To interpret the meaning of factors as the size of the group or the number of groups.

Structure of Lesson:

- Fluency Practice (10 to 15 minutes)

- Application Problems (5 to 10 minutes)

- Concept Development (30 – 35 minutes)

- Problem Set (10 minutes)

- Student Debrief (10 minutes)

Prior to Common Core

Excerpt from Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

What is the passage mainly about?

A a boy’s memories of his science class

B a boy’s successful attempt to start a fire

C the things that are needed to build a fire

D the best way to build a shelter in the woods

Where does this passage take place?

A at a park

B at a school

C in the backyard

D in the wilderness

Common Core

Excerpt from Heidi by Johanna Spyri

The narrator of the story helps the reader understand the grandfather by

A describing his face and revealing his thoughts

B describing his home and quoting his speech

C telling Heidi’s opinion of him and revealing his past

D telling his emotions and showing his frustration

How does the final paragraph contribute to the reader’s understanding of the story?

A It suggests that Heidi will make the most of her new surroundings.

B It shows that Heidi will feel uncomfortable in her new home.

C It indicates how poor the family is.

D It shows how tired Heidi is

CCLS 3.OA.A.1 – Representing and solving problems involving multiplication and division.

(Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g. interpret 5 x 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each.

CCLS 3. OA.D.9 – Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. (Identify arithmetic patterns including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table and explain them using properties of operations.

Example Extended Responses:

Prior to Common Core

Think about how “Annie John” and “Glenn and Robbie” are both about the differences between friends. Write an essay in which you explain how differences can strengthen or weaken friendships. Use details from both the stories to support your answer.

In your answer, be sure to include

- a description of the friendships

- an explanation of how the friends are different from one another

- details from both the passage and the story to support your answer

Common Core

Both stories are told from the perspective of an animal. How does this perspective affect how the stories are told? Compare and contrast how Black Beauty and the robin view their surroundings. Using details from both passages, describe how the animals’ perspectives influence how events are described.

In your response, be sure to:

- describe the perspective of Black Beauty from “Black Beauty”

- describe the perspective of the robin from “The Secret Garden”

- explain how each author uses these perspectives to help the reader understand the events as they unfold

- use details from both stories

Character Perspectives about Life in the Camp

(CCLS RL. 5.3 – I can compare and contrast literary elements using details from the text (two or more characters’ point of view)

Esperanza Rising “Las Cebollas”

Discussion Questions & Notes:

1. Reread pages 110–113. How does Isabel respond to having to stay home and not work while everyone else

works? Cite specific details from the text that would show how Isabel handles the situation.

2. During this chapter, Isabel must teach Esperanza many things even though she is younger and has had a less

privileged life. How does she feel toward Esperanza? Cite specific examples from the text.

3. On page 105, Isabel responds to Esperanza, “De veras?” after Esperanza tells her that they are

still rich and they will not be staying there long. What does that phrase mean? How do you

know? How does Isabel react to Esperanza? Be sure to cite evidence from the text.

Application Problem

5 min

Sprints (10 minutes)

Fluency Practice

In Mrs. Mistretta’s classroom, the desks are arranged in 4 rows with 7 desks in each row. Each desk has 2 pencils on it. How many total pencils are on all of the desks?


Robbie sees that a carton of eggs shows an

array with 2 rows of 6 eggs. What is the total number of eggs in the carton? Use the RDW process to show your solution.

2 groups of 6 = 12

2 x 6 = 12

There are 12 eggs in

Robbie’s carton.

Two Sprints A & B

Sprint A – complete as many fact problems as

possible in 1 minute. Count up how many are correct.

Sprint B – similar problems to Sprint A. Complete as

many as possible in 1 minute and then compare to

see how you improved (speed & accuracy)

Presented in a variety of ways: (2 x 3, 2 groups of 3,

3 groups of 2, 3 + 3, 2 + 2 + 2, 2 threes, 3 twos)

By staying involved, informed and engaged, parents can help students be successful.

There are many ways to help:

- Read with your children

- Review and discuss their homework

- Communicate with their teachers

- Attend public meetings to learn more

- Learn about the standards and how they affect your child’s education and school

- Look through your child’s backpack each afternoon

Common Core

Closing discussion

Third Grade Math

Presented by Zoe Sousa

Student Debrief – Reflection

(10 Minutes)

Write a Multiplication Equation

Problem Set

(10 Minutes)

Concept Development (30 min)

Equal Groups Activity

- Why do you think I started the lesson by asking you to divide yourselves into

equal groups?

- How can using arrays and number bonds help you to better understand


- Relate factors to their meaning: the size of the group or the number of groups

and have students share their definitions with partners.

- Identify factors to their meanings. (use set problems)

- New vocabulary words – keep a list of vocabulary words so that students can

apply the language when solving problems.

Students complete a problem set

independently but check and compare answers with a partner before coming back as a class to share and debrief.

4 x 6 = 24

Number of groups Size of group

These numbers are called FACTORS

- Students divide themselves into 4 equal

groups on the corners of the carpet.

- How many equal groups did we make?

4 equal groups.

4 x ____ = the total number of students in

the class

- What is the size of each group? 6 in each


Number Bond

Interpreting the meaning of factors using a

number bond

Have A Go!

Use RDW (read, draw write)

Draw an array to show 4 x 6 = 24

4 groups of 6

Mrs. Sousa is planning a camping trip. There are 4 families, each with 3 people going on the trip. They will be taking 3 cars. Each car will carry the same number of people. How many people will ride in each car? Draw an Array and a Number Bond. Be sure to include in your answer some of the following words/phrases:

- I did this because…

- Factor, number of groups, number in each group, multiplied,

multiplication, equals, groups of.


- What strategies did we discuss today that you

think you might use with your children?

- What other information would be helpful to


- What other questions do you have?

Number Bond

for the multiplication sentence 4 X 6 = 24

Post Common Core - E.L.A.

In both the Demosthenes biography and the Icarus and Daedalus myth, the main characters exhibit determination in pursuit of their goals. Did determination help both main characters reach their goals, or did it lead them to tragedy? Write an argument for whether you believe determination helped or hurt the two main characters.  In your response, be sure to do the following:


- describe how determination affected the outcome in Demosthenes

- describe how determination affected the outcome in Icarus and Daedalus

- explain the similarities or differences that exist in the ways determination

played into the outcome of both texts

- use details from both passages in your response

Alia worries that the fires of war will destroy the books, which are more precious to her than mountains of gold. The books are in every language-new books, ancient books, even a biography of Muhammad that is seven hundred years old. She asks the governor for permission to move them to a safer place. He refuses. So Alia takes matters into her own hands. Secretly, she brings books home every night, filling her car late after work.

Have A Go!

The Librarian of Basra, by Jeanette Winter

Capture the Gist

Identify Unfamiliar Words

Answer Text Dependent Questions

  • According to the text, what kinds of books are in the Library of Basra?
  • How does Alia feel about the books? Use details from the text to support your answer.

Close Reading of

The Librarian of Basra,

by Jeanette Winter

Common Core Learning Standards:

  • CCLS RL 3.2 - Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
  • CCLS RL 3.3 - Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
  • CCLS W.3.8 - Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories.
  • CCLS L 3.4 - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Getting The Gist and Finding

Unfamiliar Vocabulary

Common Core

Students reread the text to figure out the gist (main idea) of each section or paragraph. As students read, they underline important information and circle tricky, unfamiliar words.

Annotating Text

 - Circle tricky/Unfamiliar words

- Underline important information

- Write notes in margin

Common Core in the Class

Third Grade ELA

Presented by Jenette Mistretta

2 Day Close Reading

- Structure of Lesson:

Opening (10 minutes)

- Read aloud of selected text. Teacher reads the text slowly,

fluently, without interruption as students follow along (Day 1)

- Students read the text independently (Day 2)

Work Time (40 minutes)

- Rereading: Capturing the Gist and Identify Unknown Vocabulary

(20 mins, Day 1)

- Rereading again for Important Details: Taking Notes (20 mins, Day 2)

- Answering Text-Dependent Questions (20 mins, Day 1)

- Group Carousel Discussion (20 mins, Day 2)

Closing and Assessment (10 minutes)

- Discussing the Evidence

Shifts in ELA/Literacy

Shift 1 Balancing Informational & Literary Text

Shift 2 Knowledge in the Disciplines

Shift 3 Staircase of Complexity

Shift 4 Text-based Answer

Shift 5 Writing from Sources

Shift 6 Academic Vocabulary

What do the standards mean for you and your children?

- Did you talk about anything you read in class today?

Did you use evidence when you talked about what you


- Did you learn any new words in class today? What do

they mean? How do you spell them?

- How did you use evidence in school today? Where did

you get it?

- How often did you use math today? How did you use


Some questions to ask your child

What are the Common Core Standards?

A single set of clear standards for English Language Arts and mathematics

A tool to help students and parents set clear and realistic goals for success

A first step in providing young people with the high-quality education that will prepare them for success in college and careers

College and career readiness and success: Why it matters?

What does it mean to you?

Why does it matter to you?

What is the school’s role?

How can parents be involved?

What does "cognitive engagement" look like in the classroom?

Prepare students to succeed in college and the workforce.

Ensure that every child—regardless of race, ethnicity or zip code—is held to the same high standards and learns the same material.

Provide educators with a clear, focused road map for what to teach and when.

The new standards will…

English Language Arts/Literacy:


- Focus on non-fiction, careful reading

- Discuss reading and writing using evidence

- Increase academic vocabulary

- Learn more about fewer concepts

- Focus on skill building, speed and accuracy

- Use of real world examples to better

understand concepts

Common Core Learning Standards:

- Define what children should know and be able to do at each grade level.

- Are benchmarked against international learning measures and the needs of

modern-day employers.

- Require a new kind of instruction in our classrooms. We are preparing students

for their future, not our past.

College readiness means that graduates have the skills they need to do well in college.

“College” doesn’t just mean a four-year degree. It can mean any program that leads to a degree or certificate.

Being “ready” means that students graduate

from high schools with key skills in English

and mathematics.


Career Readiness

Why does this matter?

Because it’s what our students need.

Career readiness means that high school graduates are qualified for and able to do well in long-term careers.

“Career” doesn’t just mean a job. It means a profession that lets graduates succeed at a job they enjoy and earn a competitive wage.

Nationally . . .

For every 100 ninth graders…

65 graduate from high school

37 enter college

24 continue into their sophomore year

12 graduate with a degree in six years

Where does Putnam Valley

fall into this equation?

… and only 6 get a good job after graduation from high school

Graduation Rate: 90%

Post secondary plans for the Class of 2013 is as follows:

Attend a 4 Year college: 60%

Attend a 2 Year college: 30%

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