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My Action Plan

Will Patterson

Fix what?

My local concern is the misinformation of the general public about the four approved Vaccines for the SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) Virus. Specifically, concerns about ingredients and how the vaccine effects our bodies.

Fix what?


My goal is to supply the necessary information to people in Maple Ridge, or as many people that I can contact in order to limit the impacts of misinformation, as well as ensure people have the necessary information to make educated decisions for their families and themselves. It is not about convincing people to make a certain decision, but to ensure they have the opportunity to make the right one for them.


The Background Information

Why is this an important issue? Misinformation about vaccines could be deadly. Whether it is getting pushed into taking one when you are allergic to some of the ingredients, or not taking one, and getting infected, a decision for either side can prove deadly. So what are vaccines, and why is everyone so concerned?

Fix why?

What is a vaccine and why would we take it

A vaccine is an injection from a needle that puts something into your bloodstream to help combat a virus. Generally this means forcing your body to create what is known as antibodies (things in your blood that fight diseases. Specific antibodies fight specific viral infestations) to help battle the virus, without catching the virus. This means that if you do catch the virus, your body is far more prepared and can quickly respond to the virus, meaning you can get better quicker. It can take a week or two to properly develop all the antibodies required for lasting protection.

What is a vaccine?


Covid vaccines

There are a couple of different vaccines types. They all achieve the same thing, but in different ways. The 4 Covid-19 vaccines use two main methods to achieve a bodily response. The two more effective vaccines the Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech (94.1 % and 95% effectiveness respectively) use what is known as Mrna to recreate a part of the virus called a spike protein (see above). The body reacts to the spike protein, a part of Covid-19 that cannot cause infection, and produces antibodies that react when that part is detected.

Mrna: essentially a coded message sent to tell the cell what proteins to make.

Spike protein: part on the outside of some viruses. For a more detailed explanation :


The other two approved vaccines, Janssen and AstraZeneca ( 66% and 62% respectively) use a different technique. They use what are known as Adenoviruses, but replace the part that makes you sick with a harmless virus that produces only the SARS-CoV2 spike protein. None of the vaccines contain any live virus rna or anything that can enable an infection, therefore it is not possible to get Covid from the four vaccines. Side effects, such as fever, or pain at the sight of infection are just your body reacting to the mass production of antibodies.

Adenovirus: a range of viruses that can cause a variety of different illnesses, from pink eye to spinal problems.

Why Hesitate?

In 2019, the World Health Organization publicly released it's list of top threats to global health. Scoring above HIV, was Vaccine Hesitancy. In fact Vaccine Hesitancy was eighth ( So why hesitate? And do vaccines even work? To answer the latter first, yes. And pretty well to.

Why Hesitate?

As we can see from this chart, they are pretty effective at significantly reducing pathogen numbers. So why do some people hesitate, is there any reason not to?



For starters, that chart does not include Covid-19. It may also be statistically biased to only represent the good things that vaccines have done. Even then though, it is pretty hard to argue against those numbers. However, there are people who hesitate. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first, and easiest to understand is that it goes against human instinct to allow someone to stab you with a needle, even if it is a good thing. Some people never get over that fear. Another emotional one is a lack of trust. Some people do not trust either that the virus is a thing, that the vaccine is what they say it is, the doctor, the government or all of them at once. Allowing someone you don't trust to inject chemicals into you is very unlikely, and therefore many do not take the vaccine. The third plausible reason why people do not take the vaccine is a lack of understanding. Most fear what they do not know, this is the same with fear of the dark, ocean or vaccines. It can also be connected with trust. This one is the easiest to resolve, as if you educate people on what they do not know, then that can reduce the chance they do not take the vaccine. Rumours and negative press also hurt peoples chances of taking the vaccine. The best example of this was with the MMR vaccine. In Great Britain, 1998 Andrew Wakefield published a case study with the hypothesis that the MMR vaccine was linked with gastro disease and autism. This blew up in the media, and was propagated throughout the U.S and G.B. However, in the next 12 years, many scientists studied the link and found nothing. It was revealed that Wakefield was paid by attorney's who seeked to lawsuit vaccine companies. His research paper was retracted and he was banned from practicing medacine in 2010. (for a more detailed explination and


Thankfully, all of the previous reasons are either based on rumour and falsehoods, or are from fear. However are there any factual reasons to refuse a vaccine? The answer is yes. The first reason is allergies. If you are allergic to something, it is best as a precaution to look up the ingredients in the vaccine before you take it. It is through allergies where most of the unfortunate side effects occur. If you are allergic to one of the ingredients, then you should probably take a different vaccine. Furthermore, some people do not take the vaccine due to the haste it was made with. They fear long-term effects of a vaccine made in less than half the time it normally takes. While this is because of a huge funding in the product, their fear is not unfounded. However the US center for disease control says that they have been using these types of vaccines for a long time, with no long-term effects, so the chances are minimal. Essentially, while the chances may be 1 in a million or more, some do not want to be that millionth. The second to last point is faith based. From most religions, there are people who do not believe they will get sick, because God will protect them. While faith is important, it is also important to use the scientists he has provided us with or else it severely impacts herd immunity, and every other person would have to be vaccinated in order to create this. So even if you never get it, you become an obstacle. The final one is disbelief. People do not believe that they need the injection. This can also be dangerous for herd immunity and their own health (

Natural immunity vs Vaccine immunity

Natural Immunity vs Vaccine Immunity

This is another prevalent debate about vaccination. Is it better to get immunity naturally, instead of through the vaccine? Will you be better protected? This often comes out of seeing people get infected after receiving the vaccine, or the 95% effectiveness number. With either, you are not totally immune, there is still a chance you may get it again. When you get immunity naturally, the only differences are the dosage, time of exposure, and infection rate. If you get it naturally you will have a stronger dosage, meaning bigger immune reaction, and potentially more protection. However, you will not be able to absolutely control when you get it, and if you will pass it on to other people. With the vaccine, the dosage is generally less, but having a vaccine does not always mean less protection. There are some vaccines that give more protection then getting the disease ( While we do not know if the vaccine will grant you more protection or not yet, we do know that you can control when you get it, and that you cannot spread it to other people, due to the way the vaccine works. There is also little to no chance of death from the vaccine (without complications or allergies.

Protests and ideal situation, what I want to see happen

In an ideal world, everyone would have made their own decision based on proven fact, and everyone's individual circumstances. There would be not guilt-shaming, or efforts to convince people to their opinion. Everyone would have made the right decision for them, not for someone else. This is unfortunately quite unreasonable, even for a small sample I.E Maple Ridge or a school, due to social politics. However, if this project gives enough information, or helps one person make the right decision, or avoid making a catastrophic decision, then this project would have been a success. The impact of helping one is very good for life changing decisions like this. Unfortunately, with all the protests and rallies, the open-mindedness on either side has shrunk. Also, a general rule or enforcement would not quite work because that would force a specific side which would be an issue for either side, as well as would be unfitting in the current social dynamic of "My Body My rules" and "My rights" and anti-establishment. However their may be some limitations on those who do not have the antibodies, or have contracted the virus to protect the rest of the community. That is what I believe should be enforced. But as little restriction as possible without loss of life. If we are sticking to being neutral that is. If the only reason they have against it is aliens or such, and is unfounded, then more strict rules. So a little bit done case by case, instead of blanket rules.

Protests and ideal situation, what I want to see happen

Who cares?

Who does vaccine misinformation effect and how? This is a question that can be treated quite broadly, or in very specific detail. Some will require more explanation than others. Below are some of the different groups

Who cares?

General Public

The first and most obvious group that are effected by vaccine misinformation is the general public. The people who take the vaccines, and run the risk of getting SARS-CoV-2. They are the biggest statistical group, and also those who make or break the pandemic. Rumours are spread quickly among the public, and one person who is misinformed can "infect" many other peoples minds, similar to the MMR vaccine scandal.

General public


Parents are the next group that are affected. I chose to separate parents, as they are generally more worried, and anxious about their decision, due to the fact they are caring for another lifeform/s who cannot make one for themselves. This provides extra pressure onto them, and can make them far less trustful of government and more trusting of people. People are far easier to trust then a screen or a suit. This is just psychology and instinct. This also makes them far more susceptible to misinformation and malpractice when it comes to vaccines and sickness. The evidence required in order to convince a parent otherwise must be almost foolproof.



Medias are one of the foremost methods to perpetuate misinformation in most things. They are how we have always stayed informed. Unfortunately, they do not always inform us objectively. Every company has an agenda, some are to inform, but most are to make money. Whether it is social media or physical media (I.E Newspapers, magasines, etc), or radio and television shows, they all make money in a similar way. They rely on people buying, or tuning in, or commenting, watching and sharing in order to make money. In short they need to grab your attention and potentially make you react. This is how some tabloids, morning shows (Piers Morgan, Undisputed) and social media accounts have stayed alive. Radio shows, and social media also rely heavily on people responding to whatever they present, so subjects like vaccines, where people can become passionate are pretty popular. In continuation companies may present articles that demonstrate the owners opinion, even if it is wrong or factually incorrect. The location also has a big effect. In more rural areas, the target audience probably does not trust the government and science as much as city people. Therefore different articles will be released, even false ones, in order to make more money. The brain does not like encountering information counter to their beliefs. I would not like to go out and buy, or subscribe to a newspaper/media account that continuously proves me wrong. Media companies don't care, after all money does not get sick.


Certain companies also stand much to gain from misinformation about the vaccines. Especially those in alternative health, vitamins, essential oils etc. People worried about health, and not wanting to take government authorised vaccines, opens up a whole new market for their products. It is an entirely new, and bigger market. The amount of money companies could make doubles or more. Some companies sponsor media companies in order to only present articles about how bad (in most cases) vaccines are, so that people will look for alternatives, which grants them more business. They strongly contribute to many rumours about vaccines, similar to how oil companies influence politicians about environmental issues. The more people who believe their point of view, the more sustained business they get. So vaccines become an extremely important portion of revenue for their company.

Governmental politics

One of the more coveted interest in vaccine and misinformation is politicians. Politicians are experts on profiting off of others misfortune, or claiming things others have done. The Covid virus gives them an additional talking point to debate around, and to promote or diss other competitors when election comes. This may lead to some sponsoring media companies to try and anger people about vaccines, or mis-inform to make a person look bad or good. They try and influence statistics in order to make themselves look good in comparison. If the popular opinion is that our government did very well during the pandemic, they stand a higher chance of re-election. If an opposing politician promotes the message that they did horribly, then they stand a far lower chance of re-election, and the politician who promoted that message through media companies stands a higher chance.

Governmental politics

Lawsuits and vaccine companies

The final major group of people involved that I will put here is a bit of a joint entry. The first is obviously the vaccine companies. They make the vaccines and distribute it, and make a lot of money while doing so. This is pretty evident, as you have countries paying millions of dollars for vaccines. The second is lawsuits/lawyers. This one stems a little from the MMR vaccine. As previously said, an attorney payed Andrew to write about the downfalls of the MMR vaccine. While this has not overtly happened for Covid yet, it shows how people in law can benefit from vaccine misinformation/lack of information. They can earn a lot of money from lawsuits and suing vaccination companies if they have not presented all the facts.

The plan

The plan will take a triple headed approach. The first section will be to contact the government (specifically Maple Ridge) and see if I can present some advertising ideas, as well as an outreach program to better educate. The second will be to utilize medias to share correct information, and spread it across people I know. The third will be to place physical posters in key high traffic area's, in order to have a physical reminder. This plan all involves targeting people's eyes directly and by putting information in front of them, instead of them searching. By using multiple ways of implementing the same marketing strategy, your message can be easier to remember.

The Plan


Head 1: The government

- Outline specified points, examples and any questions that may be asked, best to be over prepared then under.

- Try these three contact areas :1882684319 (Covid specific, phone call) 604-660-2421 (general, text message) or

- If any of them work, create a meeting with a member of government.

- Present advertisement ideas, suggestions and feedback to decrease misinformation

-Move to head 2


Head 2

- Create a twitter, facebook and instagram account Important it is not my personal one

-Optional: create a wix website for a hub of website

- Create "ghost accounts" to provide support to those accounts and propagate the message and potentially post from

- Stick to themes of messages for better recall

- Join groups and explore potential hashtags in order to get more traction.

- Tag the government of bc in more viewed posts to potentially grab a reaction from them.

-Create a posting schedule and stay consistent

-Move to head three





Head 3

- Grab recycled materials such as cardboard and paper

- Find a pointy "stick" in order to hold up signs, or find good tape

- Research permits and local bylaws, specific to communities

- Scout popular areas as well as unconventional areas to surprise the brain and remind

-Either print or draw message onto signs

-Place signs

-Monitor signs and replace if worn or torn

-Replace or rotate after lengthy time for a new one

-Monitor progress on head two and one

Examples of advertisements

This is the main style. More perfected versions may include more colour to attract, the image i used to electronically design it was not big enough, but I can correct that. Some variations may include showing what causes what side effect (I.E tromethamine). The main goal is not to take a side and to present necessary information, not to visually please people. Credibility will be an issue however, which I will brainstorm to fix. Also, places with long lines will be good places to put these types of ads

Reflexion and References

Obviously I am slightly biased, but I believe that this project is easily doable. None of the steps require something completely out of the woods. The most difficult parts will be traction and governmental aid, which are problems I would encounter no matter what. However, with the three headed approach, I can if one does not work, I have two other fail-safes, which can help the longevity of the project.

R & R



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