NCLEX - The Kaplan Decision Tree
Presentation by Mary Ann McLaughlin MSN, RN
Step Five: What is the outcome of each of the remaining answers?
Additional NCLEX Strategies
- This isn't the real world.
- You always have an order.
- Don't "pass" the buck.
- Take care of the patient/client first, and then the equipment.
- Memorize lab values.
- Communicate therapeutically.
- Learn to recognize expected outcomes.
- Learn to answer positioning questions.
- Don't delegate assessments, teaching, or evaluation.
- Pay close attention to words such as "first", "best", or "initial". These words indicate priority.
- Never use the word "why" when asking the patient a question.
- Only choose the answer, Notify the physician, if the situation is emergent and the physician is needed immediately.
- "Most appropriate" indicates that there may be more than one correct response.
- Determine the outcome of each answer choice. Is it desired?
- If the topic is not obvious from the stem of the question, look at the answer choices to determine the topic of the question.
- If the question says "Teaching has been successful" we are looking for a correct answer.
- Rephrase the question in your mind.
- Do not offer false reassurance.
- Do not ask yes/no questions.
- Never leave the patient.
- Comma, comma rule.
(Kaplan Instructor Manual, 2007).
Determine the outcome of each answer. Is it desired?
Select the correct answer.
Trap: Don't select answers that "sound" right.
Step Four: Are all answers physical?
Step Three: Does Maslow fit?
No: Proceed to Step 5.
Yes: Apply ABC's.
Trap: Don't automatically select respiratory answers.
Step Two: Are the answers assessments or implementations?
No: Are all answers physical? Proceed to Step 4.
No: Are all answers psychosocial? Proceed to Step 5.
Yes: Eliminate psychosocial answers. Do the physical needs make sense? Apply ABC's.
Trap: Physical needs take priority over psychosocial needs.
Which of the following tasks is appropriate for the nurse to delegate to an experienced nursing assistant?
- Obtain a 24-hour diet recall from a patient admitted with anorexia nervosa.
- Obtain a clean catch urine specimen from a patient with a urinary tract infection.
- Observe the returns from a continuous bladder irrigation for a patient with a urinary tract infection.
- Observe a patient newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus practice injection techniques using an orange.
Are answers all assessment or implementation? Yes. Proceed to Step 3
A mix of assessments and implementations? Read the stem to determine if you should assess or implement. Select the correct answer.
Trap: Is validation required?
Step One: Can you identify the topic of the question?
Yes: Proceed to Step 2
No: Read answer choices for clues. Identify the topic of the question. Proceed to Step 2.
Trap: NCLEX "hides" the topic of the question.