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Native American Vision Quests

Spiritual Journey-Rite of Passage

Sacred Pipe

Clare Lamberti

Taylor Racine

Holy object

Link between the Earth & the Sky

What is it?

Handed down from generation to generation

A quest to reveal our purpose in life

Period of time for fasting and praying

A journey into our core-being

Different from tribe to tribe

Communication between humans & sacred things

Prayers in physical form

Medicine Person

Sweat Lodge

aka; Holy Person

Where the Quester is purified

Provide spiritual support and guidance

Guides the Quester in all aspects of the ceremony

Stones are heated & water is poured on them to create steam

The hut is made from willow branches & blankets

"The knowledge possessed by medicine people is privileged, and it often remains in particular families."

Other medicine men are present

-Arwen Nuttall

Why have a Vision Quest?

Personal Experience

Spend 1-4 days & nights secluded in nature

John Fire "Lame Deer"

Turning point in one's life

Who has Vision Quests?

Members of the tribe transforming from childhood to adulthood


Rite of Passage

One becomes more open & transparent

Transition between childhood & full acceptance into society as an adult

Get pushed into your depths

Live between inner worlds

Guardian animal/force of nature giving guidance

Learning & initiation process

Access spiritual communication & form complex abstract thoughts

Psychologically, may have effected hallucinations

Deep communion with creation and all of its forces

"No man begins to be until he has seen his vision"

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