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1. Hydrothermal vents are volcanoes at the sea floor that emit scorching hot water.

Hydrothermal Vents

2. Black smokers emit water that looks like a black cloud because they contain minerals that have sulfur in them, while white smokers emit water that looks like white smoke because of the silicon barium,and calcium they contain.

Why Do Hydrothermal Vents Matter?

3. Chemosynthesis is the process by which some organisms turn CO2 and water into carbohydrates using energy obtained from inorganic chemical reactions. Definition courtesy of National Geographic.

Hydrothermal vents act as a natural plumbing system for the ocean. They transport heat and chemicals, which helps keep the ocean chemistry constant.

Here is a Video That Explains Hydrothermal Vents Further.....

Essential Question:

4. Hydrothermal vents act as a natural plumbing system for the ocean, transporting heat and chemicals, keeping the ocean chemistry constant.

What are hydrothermal vents and why do they matter?



1. Compare and contrast black smokers to white smokers.

2. If there were no hydrothermal vents, how do you think it would affect the ocean, if at all?

3. Predict what would happen to the ecosystems around hydrothermal vents if they were near the surface. How might they change? Would they still rely on chemosynthesis?


What are Hydrothermal Vents?

What are hydrothermal vents?

Works Consulted:

Key Terms:

1. http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/media/deep-sea-hydrothermal-vents/?ar_a=1

  • Hydrothermal Vents
  • Oceanic Plates
  • Manganese
  • Midnight Zone
  • Black Smokers
  • White Smokers
  • Chemosynthesis

Black Smokers

What is the difference between black smokers and white smokers?

2. http://www.southernfriedscience.com/?p=15951

Hydrothermal Vents are volcanoes in the midnight zone, or seafloor, that emit scorching hot water and are home to many unique species.

Midnight Zone: The deepest, darkest part of the ocean. It is very dark and not many creatures live there.

3. http://www.whoi.edu/alvin/

7. http://www.brightsurf.com/news/headlines/83214/Shimmering_water_reveals_cold_volcanic_vent_in_Antarctic_waters.html

What is chemosynthesis?

How Are They Formed?

4. http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/habitats/vents2.htm

Hydrothermal vents are formed when two oceanic plates pull apart and magma replaces the spot where the vent is going to form.

8. http://www.marine-conservation.org.uk/thermalventlife.html

Oceanic Plates- are part of earth’s lithosphere that surfaces in ocean basins, which are similar to craters in the sea floor.

Black smokers are hydrothermal vents that emit water that looks like a thick black cloud because they contain minerals that have sulfur in them.

Why are hydrothermal vents important?

5. http://www.mbari.org/volcanism/Ridge/R-Hydrothermal.htm

9. Google Images

The process of hydrothermal vent eruptions

6. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/18/tech/oceans-woods-hole-oped/

White Smokers

White smokers are named by the barium , calcium, and silicon they contain, which makes their eruptions look like they are spewing out white smoke.

Hydrothermal Vent Facts:

What Are The Two Main Kinds of Hydrothermal Vents?

Ecosystems Around Hydrothermal Vents.....

My Experiment......

Hydrothermal vents are home to many unique creatures that are only found around them.

The two main kinds of hydrothermal vents are black smokers and white smokers.

The mid-ocean ridge system map

Part Two of Above Slide

1. Hydrothermal vents can emit water that can get up to 400 degrees celsius! (750 fahreinheit!)

2. They are at an average of 2,100 meters below sea level.

3. Species living around hydrothermal vents rely on *chemosynthesis to survive.

4. Hydrothermal vents are usually found along the mid-ocean ridge system, which is the longest string of undersea volcanic activity in the ocean.

5. If hydrothermal vents were closer to the surface, it would be easier to mine them. Scientists think that hydrothermal vents contain copper, manganese, and possibly gold!

6. Water doesn't boil around hydrothermal vents because the pressure is so powerful at the bottom of the sea.

*Chemosynthesis: The process by which some organisms turn CO2 and water into carbohydrates using energy obtained from inorganic chemical reactions. Definition courtesy of National Geographic.

Manganese is chemical element that is similar to iron but is harder and more brittle. Definition courtesy of Dictionary.com

Some creatures that live there are giant tube worms, different kinds of bacteria, dandelions (bunches of animals holding onto one another to form a big fuzzy-looking ball), zoarcid fish (two foot long fish), pompeii worms (fuzzy gray animals that have gray scales on their heads), and many more. They rely on chemosynthesis to survive, as mentioned in the previous slide.

Other hydrothermal vents are not named by specific colors, but by shimmering water that is spewed out of the vent due to different water temperatures. Other hydrothermal vents can emit carbon dioxide in bubble streams, which will be explained further in the video.

At first, my experiment was to test which hydrothermal vents emitted the most steam, the big model or the small model. I realized my results would be very inaccurate, because I was just observing, not actually measuring anything so I changed my lab to which hydrothermal vent emitted steam for the longest.

Pompeii Worm


1. Make two "hydrothermal vents" using clay. Note: Make one big one and one small one.

2. Put the yogurt cup in the hole at the top of each vent to hold the water.

3. Boil 70 milliliters of water for the small vent and 140 millimeters for the bigger vent to 212 degrees fahrenheit.

4. Pour the water in the cup in the hydrothermal vent.

5. As fast as possible after you pour the water in, put a plastic cup over the top of each vent and start the timer.

6. Use the timer to time the eruption.

7. Record the results in a data table.

8. Do three trials for each vent.


-Two containers of air-dry clay.

-Hot plate to boil the water.

-Yogurt cup in the middle of each vent

to hold the water.

-Graduated cylinder to measure out the


-Beaker to boil the water in.

-Timer to time the eruption length

(steam rising out of the yogurt cup.)


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