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What is the connection between social media and negative changes in tweens’ and teens’ health?

There are many affects on health that social media can cause, especially for teen and tweens, being exposed to it so early.


Cyberbullying is one of the many harmful things on social media that teens and tweens are exposed to. It does cause negative changes in mental health.


From the source titled, "Teens tell their truth about social media and mental health: 'I always have my phone'" there was evidance that suggests that this is happening a lot.

“In the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 15.7% of high school students said they had been cyberbullied in the 12 months prior to the survey.” wrote the author. And evidnace that it is causing negitive changes in mental health from a source titled, "The Ways Social Media Negatively Affects Your Mental Health". The author wrote, “According to these experts, when you spend too much time on social media, you get to experience problems such as sarcastic comments and even cyber bullying which can lead to self-esteem issues in one’s life.” And from another source titled, "Social Media Use and Teenage Depression", this author wrote,“Each year, countless social networks teen users find themselves, victims of online bullying—some feel so overwhelmed that they consider or attempt suicide”

So ugly!

SO bad. Duh.

I'd rather die!

Physical connection.

One thing social media lacks is physical connection. Real conversations, face to face.From the source titled, "The Ways Social Media Negatively Affects Your Mental Health". The author wrote, "It lacks a physical connection which can lead to a feeling of loneliness and isolation.” "spending too much time on social media can make one miss out on real life.”

Physical Connection


You might say, no I don't get jealous, but the truth is everyone gets jealous and it's very possible while your scrolling through social media and seeing pictures of other people having such a good time. How about some evidance with that? From the site, "Teens tell their truth about social media and mental health: 'I always have my phone'" The author wrote, “For girls, more specifically, there can be a lot of body dysmorphia coming from seeing pictures of models, creating unrealistic expectations for yourself,” Brooks said. “If you fall short of those expectations, you can go into a depression because of it" It's sort of like jealosy beacuse you feel bad that you aren't like other people on social media, and you feel like you want their life. Based on all of the research I've done, I know that this can lead to depression, stress, and anxiety.


Social media can cause many negitive health affects including depression, anxiety, stress, and more.

The side affects of social media

Jean M. Twenge is an author and professor of psychology at San Diego State University. “Rates of teen depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011,” Twenge wrote.

The author of "Social Media Use and Teenage Depression" wrote, " consider Jean Twenge of San Diego State University, which has noted a sudden increase in teenage depression and loneliness, starting in the early 2010s. Exploring similar trends, including in teenagers hospitalized with suicidal thoughts, her research concluded that greater smartphone and using social media best explain this dangerous pattern." and, "According to a recent review, social media encourages excessive social comparison, intensifies the fear of missing out, and increases exposure to violent content (e.g., self-harm behavior like cutting)."



I think in conclusion we could all say, yes social media is bad for you and there is a connection between social media and negative changes in tweens’ and teens’ health. According to various studies, social media can actually cause these different kinds of health problems like stress, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and even complete suiced. I hope adults, teens, tweens, and all users of social media could read this and realize that they really need to remeber that social media can be a toxic and dangerous place, and being on it can be harmful and should be limited.





Thanks to these sites for research and evidance.m

"Teens tell their truth about social media and mental health: 'I always have my phone"

"The Ways Social Media Negatively Affects Your Mental Health"

Social Media Use and Teenage Depression

Also thanks to Mr. Brown for teaching me some of this material.


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