Vaughn vs. Edel
Introduction & Background
Defendant- Ashley Perry & Alison Timlin
Plaintiff-Jeff Duggan & Nayeli Espinoza
April 16, 1985: Edel complained
to Vaughn about her low
volume of her work and the excessive number of people that visit her office.
- Co-Supervisor of Texaco's Land Department
- Assistant Chief Contract Analyst
Vaughn met with Keller the Head of the Land Department.
Keller sent out a memo that detailed the conversation between him and Vaughn.
Vaughn spoke to a friend in the legal department at Texaco.
- Black/Female Attorney
- Promotion in 1979 because "highest ranked"
- Associate Contract Analyst for Texaco's Land Department
Keller tells Edel not to confront Vaughn about work to avoid discrimination suit.
1985-1986 Study to identify activities to eliminate to save costs.
Vaughn and another employee are fired.
- Vaughn was under performing
- Avoid discrimination- avoid confrontation
- Vaughn did not follow policy, went over supervisors head
- No time to begin process for low performers
- Protected Class (gender & race) under Title VII
- Texaco's comments; "blacks in office" "Black Matriarch"
- Performance Appraisal
- Opportunity to change
- 90 day IP
- Race Discrimination
Conclusion/ Verdict
- Texaco (Edel) violated Title VII, race discrimination
- Although race may not directly be the reason she was terminated, it did play a part in the relationship between Vaughn and Texaco during that period.
- "Employer excludes black employees from its efforts to improve efficiency"(Bennett-Alexander, Hartman)
- Vaughn was awarded such relief that will make her whole, and attorney fees.