The Learning Environment: Instructor/Classroom/Students
Class Snapshots
Aspects of Fairness:
Role of the Instructor
Class Observation Presentation
Stacey Childress
Harry Spence
Transforming Public Education
Strategic Management for Public Purposes
Naushard Cader, Wendy Robinson, Charles Lang
"Almost every action in the classroom - the hands that are recognised, the questions that are asked, the readings that are assigned - betrays a point of view." ~ C.R. Christensen
Harry Spence
Stacey Childress
Factual error corrected with positive reinforcement
No room for error
- Students referenced case exhibits, instructor followed closely and asked clarifying questions
- Threat of "social death"
- Being "right" privledged
- May impact the participation of some students
- Example of instructor as "referee"
- Correction didn't stop conversation flow
- Student maintained legitimacy
- Students learned correct information
- Instructor modeled positive way to address misinformation in discussion
- Example of teacher as "coach"
- High Tension
- Sustained energy
- Respectful
- Impact on student learning?
- Less intense
- Lower energy
- Respectful
- Impact on student learning?
- Not quite as tall
- Female
- Punchy, brisk
- Formal
- Tight control
- Strong presence
- Tall
- Male
- Soft spoken, yet firm
- Philosophical
- Casual
- Strong presence
What responsibility does the instructor have for acknowledging their own position/ideology/world view?
Instructor as Expert
- Discussion focused on case material
- No students referenced experience in comments
- Comments had observational, objective tone
- Discussion broader and less nuanced
- Instructor not part of discussion, so no co-constructing of knowledge amongst instructor and students
- Maintained a neutral facilitator role
- Didn't reference any personal experience
- Deferred to 'experts'
- Students gained a deeper understanding of process and history of case
- Less abstract/more real
- Clearly linked case with reality
- Signaled it was acceptable to refer to experience in discussion
- Discussion nuanced and deep
- Extensive student-student
- Teacher controlled space
- Extensive board use
- Students "on display"
- Heavy discussion of case elements
- Directly shared knowledge of events and protagonists in response to student comment
- During concluding remark, shared a "lesson-learned" from his work
- Gave a lecturette on "diffusing the cycle" of conflict in partnerships
- Steep stadium seating
- "Tough" - Prof. J. Honan
- Awkward board locations
- Students spread out
- All seats face pit
- Little room for teacher movement
- Harsh lighting
- Wide angle
- Intimate feel
- All seats occupied
- All seats face center
- Space for teacher to move about
- Boards at front
- Soft lighting
- Little student-student interaction
- Teacher was pivot point of discussion and stayed in pit
- Students could "hide" in classroom
- Fewer points of discussion
Generating debate
- Learn to advocate for viewpoint
- Learn to use evidence offensively/defensively
- Students voice strong opinions; few discuss tension between options
- Presumption of right and wrong
- Many students spoke
- "One and done" - modeled case method style of participation
- Used evidence to support argument
- Discussion centered on case content more than experience
- Learning to listen and respond to evolving conversation
- 50/50 M/F
- More formal participation
- No computers
- Prepared answers
- Students appeared engaged
- Mostly HBS, early career
- No pre-work before class
- No promotion of opposing viewpoints, even when opportunities arose
- No vote or similar device to identify different opinions
- Questions and follow-up questions oriented towards how/why/action
- Fewer voices
- Questioned process outlined in case: "How did complex change happen so quickly with few actors?"
- Did not always use evidence, specifically from case, to support point
- Learning from peer experience
- Took vote beforehand and split class on opinion
- Instigated opposing viewpoints
- Visibly responds in encouraging and attentive way when student disagrees with previous comment, signaling approval
- 50/50 F/M
- Less formal participation
- Using computers
- Thinking "out loud"
- Some students visibly distracted
- Students from across Harvard, early to mid-career
- No right/wrong answer
- Learn consensus building
- Less awareness of opposing views
- Students not foreced to play a role or take sides