Poverty is experienced by over 36% of the world's population (1.85 billion people
More than half of the population in developing countries are living off $1.25 a day.
People living in poverty are extremely malnourished, and lack essential materials and food necessary for survival.
The people living in poverty lack things such as health care, education and a steady income.
Catholic Social Teachings
Catholic Social
Principle of preferential option for the poor and vulnerable - Considering the needs of those less fortunate
Principle of human equality - Each person must have equal opportunity
Agency that helps
the agency is Franciscans international
takes social justice issues such as poverty to high levels like the UN
Their mission is to create an equal world and society, and everyone is respected.
Agency that helps
The Work They Do
The work they do
Joined the stop poverty campaign in 2017
Helped introduce the UN guiding principles on extreme poverty and human rights
They are involved with the united nations and make sure their opinion is heard
scripture of the sheep and goats
the scripture is about Jesus separating the righteous and unrighteous when they die
those that are unrighteous are seen as goats and those that are righteous are seen as sheep
if you are righteous you help those in need, and if you are unrighteous, you don't help those in need
In the scripture, Jesus sends the righteous to heaven, and they attain eternal life
those that are unrighteous are doomed to eternal fire.
relevance to catholic social teachings
catholic social teachings relevance
it is relevant as it describes that helping your neighbors is the right thing to do.
the chosen catholic social teachings are; preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, and human equality
they teach you to treat others equally and help those in need, as does the scripture.
If the scripture was written today
if the scripture was written today
the scripture would say that those who are righteous and deserve eternal life are those that help people in need and try their best to address the social justice issues in our society.
it would also say that those who are unrighteous would be those who only care about their own well being and not others