Non-traditional assessment is
conducive to teacher/student
communication. There are multiple
opportunities for the teacher to
give feedback to the student. This
student-teacher interaction can
be beneficial in the development of
the students’ language ability.
Non-traditional assessments lend to have low practicality, because they take a lot of time to create, score, and provide feedback to the students. There is a considerable amount of effort on behalf of the teacher. Scoring non-traditional assessment is also difficult. There is a lot of subjectivity in grading these types of assignments, and it is difficult to avoid bias. Also, non-traditional assessments need to have clear guidelines and expectations for the students in order to be successful. If the assignment is ambiguous, the students will not fully understand what they need to accomplish.
Performance assessment measures
what students can do with what
they know, rather than how much
they know. Performance assessment
tasks are based on what is most
essential in the curriculum and
what is interesting to a student
Performance assessment task require thinking skills
>>>Getting information (finding, completing, counting,
collecting, reading, listening, defining, describing, identifying, listing, matching, naming, observing, recording, reciting, selecting, scanning)
>>>Working with the information (comparing,
contrasting, classifying, sorting, distinguishing,
explaining why, inferring, sequencing, analyzing,
synthesizing, generalizing, evaluating, making analogies, making models,
and/or reasoning)
Often times, when the word “test” is
mentioned, the idea of a quiet room with
students writing or filling in answers to
multiple choice forms is thought of.
However, there are other methods of
assessment that veer away from the
traditional approaches to assessing
students. Non-traditional assessment
methods allow the knowledge or u
nderstanding of a concept to be measured
using alternative strategies.
>>>Using information for a purpose (informing, persuading, motivating)
>>>Using information to craft a product/presentation (speaking, debating, singing, writing, surveying, designing,
drawing, computing, constructing, demonstrating, acting out)
>>>Using information to communicate with
specific audiences (such as peers, younger, older, informed, uninformed, friendly, hostile,
apathetic, homogeneous, or diverse groups)
Teacher observation has been accepted readily in the past as a legitimate source of information for recording and reporting student demonstrations of learning outcomes in early childhood education. As the student progresses to later years of schooling, less and less attention typically is given to teacher observation and more and more attention typically is given to formal assessment procedures involving required tests and tasks taken under explicit constrains of context and time. However, teacher observation is capable of providing substantial information on student demonstration of learning outcomes at all levels of education.
"Simply testing an isolated skill or a
retained fact does not effectively measure
a student's capabilities. To accurately
evaluate what a person has learned, an assessment method must examine his or
her collective abilities. This is what is
meant by authentic assessment. Authentic assessment presents students with real-
world challenges that require them to apply
their relevant skills and knowledge
Two types of Teacher Observation
>>Scoring Guides/Rubric: A scoring scale used to assess student performance along a task-specific set of criteria. A list of required elements are grouped together to make the scoring guide with point specific designations.
>>Portfolio/E-Portfolio: A collection of a student's work specifically selected to highlight achievements or demonstrate improvement over time (e-portfolio is electronic and usually accessible on the Internet).
>>Authentic Task: An assignment given to students designed to assess their ability to apply standard-driven knowledge and skills to real-world challenges.
Incidental observation occurs during the ongoing (deliberate) activities of teaching and learning and the interactions between teacher and students. In other words, an unplanned opportunity emerges, in the context of classroom activities, where the teacher
observes some aspect of individual student learning. Whether incidental observation can be used as a basis for formal assessment and reporting may depend on the records that are kept.
>>Self-Assessment: Evaluating one's own performance to determine strength and weaknesses and reflecting on what improvements can be made to enhance product
>>Oral Interviews: Teacher asks student questions about personal background, activities, readings, and other interests.
>>Story or Text Retelling: Student retells main ideas or selected details of text experienced through listening or reading.>>Writing Samples: Student generates narrative, expository, persuasive, or reference paper.
By: John Paul Dela Rosa
and Axl Espino
·Writing Samples: Student generates narrative,
expository, persuasive, or reference paper.
·Projects/Exhibitions: Student works with other students as a team to create a project that often involves multimedia production, oral and written presentations, and a display.
·Experiments/Demonstrations: Student documents a series of experiments, illustrates a procedure, performs the necessary steps to complete a task, and documents the results of the actions.
·Constructed-Response Items: Student responds in writing to open-ended questions.
·Teacher Observations: Teacher observes and documents the students attention and interaction in class, response to instructional materials, and cooperative work with other students.
Planned observation involves
deliberate planning of an opportunity
for the teacher to observe specific learning outcomes. This planned opportunity may occur in the context
of regular classroom activities
or may occur through the setting of
an assessment task
(such as a practical or performance activity).
Its what you do with what you know
Defining Performance Assessment
•Performance assessment is a method of
teaching and learning that involves both
process and product. It is not just a testing strategy.
•Performance assessment tasks involve
students in constructing various types of products for diverse audiences. Students also are involved in developing the process that
leads to the finished product.
Arguments for Valuing
Teacher Observation
Teacher observation is an important
but underutilized assessment
technique. It is sometimes argued
that teachers are unable to make
appropriate and dependable
assessment judgments from
observations of students in natural
Portfolio is a systematic
collection of a variety of
teacher observations and
student products, collected over
time, that reflect a student's
developmental status and
progress made in literacy.