Repetition in Propaganda
Repetition is...
Yes We Can
This video uses repetition to show confidence.
It is the simple repeating of a word within a sentence or poetical line, in order to provide emphasis on that particular word.
Repetition is used so much because it is easy and effective.
People use repetition to show how they feel about something by repeating something it shows how important it is to them.
Martin Luther King Jr. did this in his speech
"I have a dream"
commercials use repetition all the time even showing the commercial like when you see the same commercial a dozen times while watching tv. They want to keep it on your mind and get you to remember it by using a catchy tune or phrase.
When people repeat a power statement or word, about their topic. The group listening will remember that statement any time they think about that certain subject.
They also sometimes use repetition to get a different meaning out of a word.