IRON AGE 1200-550 B.C.E
- Iron that that was used in manufactures for farm implements that help to advanced agriculture throughout the world.
- iron age farmers began to use a system of grinding stones called quern which was used to grind more effectively.
- these iron tools were important things to use for people to get food and for people to create shelter with and also to help with lands and crops.
- Weapons and armor evolved during the iron age!
- iron working technology becomes widespread the widespread adoption of iron only became common during the fourth century BC.
Iron age inventions was 1200-550 B.C.E
- Throughout the iron age there is evidence for extensive networks of fields associated with small farming settlements.
~ The iron sword was stronger and cheaper than the bronze swords.
- The skills of iron age blacksmiths is demonstrated by the range of tools and weapons.
~ plows with iron tips hard earth and aloud farmers too expand land.