So does satsang..
- everything in this brahmand is made up of this substance
What should this mean to me?
Activity time!
What do you want to
strengthen for Swamishri?
Wrap it up Game...
- Characterized by three gunas
- Envelopes almost everything
- Responsible for substance of universe
- Help govern the universe and creation
- Bound by maya
- Certain help sustain, while others destroy
#5- Parabrahma
Society believes in
#4- Brahma
Supreme being--> God
#1- Jiva
(identify and group together)
#4- Ishwar
AKA- Akshar
- dwells in the heart of a person but permeates the whole being
Ishwar is responsible for the creation,
sustenance and destruction of the universe
* Controlled by God himself
Our goal: to distach our jiva
from maya and understand ourselves to be atma
Three gunas-> three moods
What exactly is the jiva?
Atma= pure conciousness and awareness
1) Sattvagun: calm, peaceful
2) Rajogun: desirous, ambitious
--jivas and ishwar must transcend maya--> Akshardham
Gadhada I-21:
HOWEVER, Ishwar is still bound
by Maya
3) Tamogun: sleepy, lethargic
* Brahma= Akshardham: home to Maharaj
Akshar cannot be easily visualized b/c of it's all pervading greatness
Jivas and ishwar is REDEEMED by direct contact with this Aksharbrahman
Maharaj arrived as NV and
began searching for
somebody who can explain what the five tattvas were
what's the importance of this knowledge?
Gadhada III-10: five eternal entities
jiva, ishwar, maya, Brahma, Parabrahma
always manifesting on Earth
in human form<- why?
Swamishri =embodiment of Brahma
entirety of almost everything!
We are fools if we turn down Swamishri's
to liberate our soul
How do we become brahmaroop?
We have to do samagam of Swamishri!
What am I?
- God's abode
- Not influenced by maya
- Helps us attain God by removing maya from us
- Above everything in the universe
- Resides in Akshardham
- Manifests in order to give liberation
What am I?
- Bound by cyles of life and death
- Under the influence of Maya
- Resides within the heart