Dred and Harriet Scott
The Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott vs. John Sanford
The General Case
The Scotts believed that since they had been living on free soil, they were free people, but Mrs. Emerson, and John Sanford said that she owned them, and had no rights to even file for freedom. They said that because
they were African American, they were
not human, and therefore had no
right to citizenship, and had no right
to stand up for themselves.
Roger B. Taney's verdict astounded, and
angered an immense number of
Northerners,and Blacks. People from
each side were
violently angry, to the point of the men
of the jury beating each other almost to
death. It was one of the most
controversial court cases in history.
Worst Supreme Court Decision Ever.
Define Civil Rights
The rights, freedom, and privalges that individual owns, regardless of sex, race, beliefs, culture, ethnicity, origins, sexual orientation, or color of skin. These rights are assured by the 13th and 14th amendment in the Constitution of America.
What Were The Effects?
People in court and everywhere else were shocked,
stunned, and angry about the decision, and reaction.
Southerners were angry that they even got to file for
freedom, because he was technically not considered a
person, therefore didn't have the rights to stand up to a white person.
This angered response played a large part in the outbreak of the Civil War. The Northerners were mad that the Supreme Court were denying a wonderful, fearless family rights purely because of their skin color. They were allowing a person to be treated in a completely unacceptable, inhumane way.
Underlining Tones Of Sexism
Harriet Robinson Scott, Eliza Scott, and Lizzie Scott (Dred Scott's wife and kids) also sued for freedom in the same case, and got the same results, yet through history only Dred Scott was remembered, and it is really HIS case.
Eliza Scott
Harriet Scott (his wife)
Lizzie Scott