Norse Mythology
Norse mythology finds its roots
in Scandinavia, home of the Vikings.
The Creation Myth
In the beginning,
there was Ginnungagap.
these two opposing forces begin to unite,
causing droplets of melted ice to fall into
Ginnungagap. These droplets became
Ymir suckles on the teats of Adumla
Drops of Ymir's sweat morphs into more evil frost ogres, (or, in some versions, people)
Adumla licks salty, icy stones for three days, and heat and cold create the first human: BURI
Buri gives birth to
the three siblings realize
that Ymir is still creating
evil frost ogres/giants
...except for the giant Bergelmir who escaped with his wife. They continue the frost ogre family line on the mountain of Jötunheim
The siblings then carried Ymir to the middle of Ginnungagap and from him created the universe.
the siblings then built
a home for the gods: ASGARD
Valhalla, the great hall of Asgard, is a heaven for dead warriors.
Asgard comes to be
inhabited by Odin's family,
known as the ÆSIR
- Fate is inescapable and unchanging
- Must be faced fearlessly
- Ultimate achievement is to face death laughing
(did you get all of that?)
to link Midgard and
Asgard, a giant rainbow
bridge is erected, called
The Vikings travelled extensively by
boat. Thus, much of their mythology reflects the influence of neighboring cultures.
Above, a frozen expanse
of ice: Niflheim
as abstracted from the most recognized Norse mythological text, The Prose Edda
Below, a fiery region: Muspell
it begins like this:
who marries
they give birth to
the daughter of a giant
- End of the world
- Gods cannot avoid because it is fated
- World will be destroyed by fire and ice
- people, even kin, will kill each other
- gods will die in battle
- sun eaten, ash covering the sky
- 3 years of winter and darkness
- oceans will surge and flood the land
- earthquakes and firey eruptions
- But. . .
- the sun will get a daughter, and two humans will hide in Yggdrasil, so life will start life again, after the end
From his body, they create a world called MIDGARD, home of humans. Flesh=earth, Bones=stones, Blood=lakes, Skull=sky, Hair=plants, Brains=clouds
so they kill him
from two trees, the siblings created a man: ASK, and a woman: EMBLA
(Ash and Elm?)
from his body flows such a flood of blood that all frost ogres/giants are drowned