Kaylie Martin
My Values
- My faith
- My family
- My friends
Personal Characteristics
My strengths
- Im a strong base in cheer
- I always give 100%
- Im always willing to try new things
- I always listen to my friends when they need me
I enjoy...
- Fishing
- Cheering
- Texting
- Being with my friends
- Shopping
I am very neat and organized.
I am easy to get along with and im always willing to help others.
I am friendly and outgoing.
Psychogeometric Shape
What i want to improve about myself
Box and Circle
strength as a
team member
- My self image
- My physical fitness
- My tumbling
Im good at compromising and i make sure the job gets done
I am a box because i am very neat and a perfectionist.
I am a circle because i am very outgoing and i love to be with friends.
Short term goals
- Get my permit next month
- Get All A's on my report cards
- Improve relationships with friends and family
Greatest Achievements
- Winning NHSCC Nationals in 2011
- Having all A's in mrs. pritchett's class
- Leading worship at my church on Wednesday nights