Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) Glu504Lys polymorphism contributes to the variation in efficacy of sublingual nitroglycerin
- Collected 20 livers of naturally aborted fetuses - obtained purified ALDH2 *1/*1 and AlDH2 *1/*2 enzymes
- Used recombinant enzyme for ALDH2 *2/*2
- Km and Vmax values from Lineweaver-Burk plots of the 4 types of ALDH2 enzymes
ALDH2 *2
- Nitroglycerin - treatment for angina & heart failure
- ALDH2 forms NO, metabolite needed for nitroglycerin efficacy
- Inactive ALDH2 *2 allele associated with lack of efficacy of sublingual nitroglycerin in Chinese subjects
Figure 1 The geographic distribution of ALDH2504Lys allele frequency. The grey scale refers to the interpolated allele frequency and correspondences are on the right, e.g. 0.12 means an allele frequency of 12% in the region. The open red triangles represent the locations of the population samples. The encircling black lines are the 0.12 and 0.24 frequency borders. A similar format is used in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Representative Lineweaver-Burk plots for GTN as the variable substrate for the fetal ALDH2*1/1 (A) and ALDH2*1/2 (B) and the recombinant ALDH2*1/1 (C) and ALDH2*2/2 (D) enzymes.
- Point mutation - G-->A transition
- 1510 nt.
- Glu --> Lys substitution in protein at position 504
- Autosomal dominant
- Tetrameric enzyme
- 6% activity for ALDH2 *1/*2
- ALDH2 possesses esterase activity - catalyzes the hydrolysis of nitroglycerin
- Examine the role of Glu504Lys mutation in nitroglycerin metabolic activation
What is ALDH2?
- ALDH2*1 allele - wild type
- functional enzyme
- Caucasians
- ALDH2*2 allele - mutant
- nonfunctional enzyme/partial loss of function
- 50% Eastern Asians
- A small Km indicates high affinity, meaning the rate will approach Vmax more quickly
- Vmax - maximum rate achieved
- Vmax/Km= nitroglycerin catalytic efficiency
- Glu504Lys mutation directly associated with catalytic efficiency (Vmax/Km)
- nitroglycerin metabolism was ~10x higher ALDH2 *1/*1
- Concluded that Lys504 allele contributes in part to the failure of an effective response to nitroglycerin
- This genetic factor should be considered when administering nitroglycerin to patients, especially Asians, ~50% having inactive ALDH2 allele
- Gene found on Chromosome 12, locus q 24.2
- Codes for the enzyme mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase
- 2nd enzyme of the major oxidative pathway of alcohol metabolism
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Keith Starwalt