Hajj: Elements and Actions
- Offering sacrifice is Wajib in Qiran and Tamattu' on 10-12th, not obligatory for Ifrad
- Shave or cut hair after stoning Jamrah al-Aqabah, within boundaries of the Haram
- Hadeeth, recommendations
- Sequence of casting pebbles at Jamrah al-Aqabah, offering sacrifice, and shaving/cutting hair
- Tawaf al-Wadaa'
Omitted Sunnah acts don't effect the validity of the Hajj, but they carry a lot of Hasanat
- Make ghusl/wudhu when entering Ihram
- To perform two Nafl rakaats before Ihram
- To read Talbiyah continuously --> however, it's not recommended during the Tawaf of arrival, farewell Tawaf, or Sa'y
- To make a lot of Dua
- To make voluntary Tawaf often
- It is Makruh to stay in Makkah while the pilgrims are in Mina
- To stone the Jamaraat between noon and sunset
- To stop at a place called Muhassab after leaving Mina for Makkah
- To drink water from the well of Zamzam
- Kissing the threshold of the door to the Kabah if offered the opportunity to go inside
- It is recommended to visit the mosque and grave of the Prophet (SAW)
The Unlawful actions in State of Ihram
The following things that are forbidden for someone who is in Ihram:
- To kill or to hunt
- Cute spouse communications
- To hurt, abuse, or argue with other Muslims
- Wearing stitched clothing (for men)
- To wear perfume
- To cover the face or head, however it is mandatory for women to cover their heads
- To wash the body or hair with scented soap
- To remove hair
- Clipping one's nails
What is Permissible in Ihram?
- Resting in a shaded place/area
- To wash your hair and body with water alone or non scented soap
- Scratching the body without pulling out any hair
- Carry money or weapon
- To change or wash your Ihram
- To wear glasses, watches, etc.
- To kill harmful animals such as lions, rats scorpions, etc.
- Getting married, however sexual intercourse cannot be done after marriage
- Doing business
Hajj for Women
Few differences between men and women in certain aspects of Hajj:
- Stitched garments are allowed
- Must cover the head (but not the face)
- No need to do Idtiba (uncovering right shoulder) or Ramal (rapid walk) during Tawaf
- To need to run during Sa'i
- Cut a finger's length of hair instead of shaving
- Excused from Tawaf al-Wadaa' and can delay Tawaf al-Ziyaara if menstruating or bleeding post-childbirth
Hajj on the Behalf of Someone Else
According to a Hadith in Bukhari, Ibn Abbas (RA) asked the Prophet (SAW) if he can perform Hajj on his father's behalf
A woman of Juhaynah asked if she can perform Hajj for her deceased mother
- If one passed away before being able to perform Hajj
Afreen, Anika, Ayesha M, Eram, Zainab S
- Can be rectified with sacrifice as opposed to faraidh, which invalidate Hajj
- Sa'y 7 times after Tawaf, begin with Safa, mounted if excuse exists
- Muzdalifah: between dawn and sunrise on the 10th, combine Maghrib and Isha prayers
- Stone 3 Jamarat on Ayam at-Tashriq, except for Jamrah al-Aqabah, which is stoned on the 10th
- 7 pebbles for each Jamrah, in proper order
- Implication of stoning