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Origin of Dehumanization

"Some bastard stole my entire collection."

"But it looks as tough they've wandered off on their own."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Well, of course it doesn't, and they'll be back."

"You think so?"

"Where would they go?"

"Those two aren't quite as dark as the others."

"And only three of them have long hair"

"Honey, be reasonable," said Eleanor, "it's almost impossible to find a matched set of full bloods, anymore"

Narrow minded ideas about a group lead to seeing them in only one of many aspects, making them less than human.

Origin of Objectification

"It was Eleanor who bought him his first Indian, a Seminole that she had run across in a small shop in Clinton, Oklahoma. The next year, Franklin Spense, of all people, his neighbor on the other side of the ridge, a gun enthusiast and a stickler for the sanctity of property lines, gave him an Ojibway shaman. The year after that, Vince Muir, whose family at one time had owned all the land in Caledon Hills, brought over a Mohican that he had picked up at a yard sale."

"They're friendly", said Hudson "No one sells hostiles anymore." "I don't know," said Vince, "remember that Haida that the Ruperts bought."

The exoticization of their distinct groups is what made them so valuable to collect and be owned by white man.

The Missing Voice

The lack of the "Indian's" voice in the story is very relevant to notice, King has done it to emphasize the central metaphor.

Perspective: Hudson

If one is dehumanized and objectified by another, according to the other, they do not have the capacity to have an opinion or a voice.

The Overpowering Voice

-Both Voices are present: White man and Indian

-White man's voice overpowers Indians

-White man takes over and dismisses the 'lesser' voice

"RED SKIN and BLACK HAIR. Okay, okay, okay. Sonny has to think. BLACK PEOPLE have BLACK SKIN and BLACK HAIR. And ASIAN PEOPLE have YELLOW SKIN and BLACK HAIR. This is hard. And HISPANIC PEOPLE have BROWN SKIN and BLACK HAIR. So the WOMAN WHO FELL FROM THE SKY must be... must be..."

Creation Settings

Bible Creation Story VS "Turtle Island" Creation Story

"But he can guess. Guessing isn't illegal. And after looking at all the pictures, some of which are pretty graphic and revealing, he guesses that the woman in the pool is an INDIAN."

"As if there weren't enough women in the world already. As if we needed another one. And an INDIAN one at that. And PREGNANT at that. Well, she can't go to the Heavenly Pie Pizza Palace."

Physical Stereotyping Objectification

  • The Garden Court Motor Motel= Garden of Eden/Turtle Island
  • DAD, Sonny, Uncle HOLIE= father, son, holy spirit
  • Heavenly Pie Pizza Palace= Heaven

"But he doesn't see any sign of her INDIAN husband on the way down. Maybe he wasn't on the plane. Maybe he's chasing buffalo. Maybe he's annoying a settler. Sonny knows what INDIANS do when no one is looking."

"Sonny isn't sure the WOMAN WHO FELL FROM THE SKY knows the difference between right and not right. For instance, being NAKED is certainly not right. Being Pregnant without a husband is definitely not right. And being INDIAN... well, Sonny isn't positive that being an INDIAN is not right, but..."

New culture is imposed on Indians, their culture has been replaced.

Lifestyle Stereotyping (dumb/irritating)= of lesser value= dehumanization

Discrimination= Less than= Dehumanization

The Garden Court Motor Motel

The Garden Court Motor Motel

-Both voices are present, white man's overpowers

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Indians are seen as lesser than,


-Diminished Culture and Imposed culture

-Only white man voice present

Judged based on their stereotypical appearance, objectified

-Imposed culture

-Traditional/cultural values

Stereotyping and discrimination lead to the objectification and dehumanization of a the Indians.

-Materialistic Values

Materialistic and Consumerist Setting

"And Hudson was especially fond of Christmas, looked forward to the clamor of roasts, mashed yams, and pies, tot he sharp taste of bittersweet chocolates from Belgium... waited anxiously for the ritual give and take of gift-giving."

Christmas time

Atmosphere facade

"Hudson busied himself for the next hour or so, laying out the Christmas treats that Eleanor had made…He loaded the CD player, sprayed the pine scent around the doorways, and turned up the heat just a little so that, when Vince and Franklin finally arrived, the house had a warm and festive air to it.”

Stereotypes and Discrimination

Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

Tidings of Comfort and Joy



tribal music

Dark skin

Long Hair

Rain-forest acreages

Internet stocks

Discrimination and following of stereotypes leads to the objectification and dehumanization of an individual.

"Substitution Words"

(Can be replaced by/replace Indians)


Exotic Pets

The White Man's typical 'Indian'


Lack of intelligence


and other clothing



A Short History of Indians In Canada:




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