Brain Analgesia System
Define as
Endogenous capability of the brain itself to suppress the input of pain signals to the nervous system by activating a pain control system, called an analgesia system .
Dr/ Romysaa
Transmitter substances involved in analgesia system
* Nerve fibers from periventricular nuclei and periaqueductal gray area secrete >> Enkephalin .
* Fibers originate in Raphe Magnus send signals to dorsal horns of the spinal cord secret >> Serotonin .
* The serotonin causes local cord neurons to secret >> Enkephalin .
2. The raphe magnus nucleus >> located in the lower pons and upper medulla
The nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis >> located laterally in the medulla.
Suppression of strong pain signals
The analgesia system
Learning objectives
- Electrical stimulation
- Suppress strong pain signals entering by way of the dorsal spinal roots .
1. What is brain analgesia system .
2. Enlist components of analgesia system .
3. Enlist chemical mediators of analgesia system .
4. Describe mechanism of working of analgesia system .
1. The periaqueductal gray and periventricular areas of the mesencephalon and upper pons surround the aqueduct of Sylvius and portions of the third and fourth ventricles.
3. A pain inhibitory complex located in the dorsal horns of the spinal cord.
N.P :-
Analgesia signals can block the pain before it is relayed to the brain.
By :
1- Islam Mohammed M. Elhyet.
2- Alaa Talaat Mansor.
3- Ahmed Mahmoud Farahat.
4- Ahmed Mustafa Elnahrawy.
Thank You!
Treatment of Pain by ElectricalStimulation ..
Brain’s Opiate System
* Stimulating electrodes are :
- Placed on selected areas of the skin .
- Implanted over the spinal cord
>> To stimulate the dorsal sensory columns.
* Electrodes placed in :
- Appropriate intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus or
- in the periventricular or periaqueductal area of the diencephalon.
* Opiate-like substances >> found at different points of the nervous system
- Breakdown products of three large protein molecules:
1- Proopiomelanocortin,
2- Proenkephalin, and
3- Prodynorphin.
* Important opiate-like substances are :
1- Endorphin,
2- Met-enkephalin,
3- Leuenkephalin,
4- Dynorphin.
* Injection of minute quantities of morphine
- Either into the periventricular nucleus around the third ventricle or
- Into the periaqueductal gray area of the brain stem .
* Causes an extreme degree of analgesia .
* Morphine-like agents – opiates:
- Act at many other points in the analgesia system, including the dorsal horns of the spinal cord .
Inhibition of Pain Transmission by TactileSensory Signals
* Stimulation of large type A Beta sensory fibers
- from peripheral tactile receptors
- depress transmission of pain signals .
* From the same body area.
* Local lateral inhibition in the spinal cord
* The simultaneous :
- physical.
- psychogenic excitation of the central analgesia system .
N.P >> The basis of pain relief by ACUPUNCTURE .