The development of modern democracy
from an absolute monarchy to an unitary, parliamentary, constitutional monarchy
- Britain’s main centre right party
- oldest party ( century: represented aristocrats and Church of England)
- today:
- party of business&free enterprise
- many members are anti-Europe
- Britain’s leading centre-left party
- worked with nearly-created trade unions to fight for the rights of working people
- today: closer to centre and less radical, but still believes in protecting poorer people
who is not allowed to vote?
- constitutional body
- general information
- Parliament
- government
- members of the House of Lord
- all citizens are allowed to vote at the age of 18
- all citizens of the UK, or of the Commonwealth, or of the Republik
- all citizens that live in the equivalent constituency
- royal court from Middle ages evolved into parliament
- 1067: King William I. made arrangement for government during his absence
- 1215: King John was forced to sign Magna Carta
- 1649: King Charles I. was executed on order of parliament
- reasons: raising taxes, dissolving parliament for years and starting a civil war
- 1689: James II. removed from power by parliament because of tyrannical behavior
- 1689: Parliament invited Mary II. (daughter of James II.) and William of Orange (husband of Mary) to rule
- Parliament wanted to lead executive
- Mary and William agreed and signed the Bill of Rights
- 1721: final step to constitutional monarchy (under George I.)
- a single parliamentarian (Robert Walpole) became head of government
The Liberal Democratic Party
House of Commons House of Lords
all hyperlinks opened last on: March 16th, 2015
- until 1920: disappeared from British politics →re-born as liberal democratic party
- today:
- smallest of three major parties
- committed to liberal ideas
- only major party to be fully pro-Europe
- sovereign
- not the head of the government
- the power held by the monarch is largely ceremonial and formal
- Prime Minister has weekly meetings with the Queen, where she 'has a right and a duty to express her views on Government matters'
in order for a bill to become a law
- monarch assent is required
- has not been refused since 1707
- Parliament = legislative body
- made up of three elements: the monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons
four primary duties:
- passing laws
- authorization of taxes and government budgets
- verification and investigation of government administration
- debates on current issues
- government = executive body
most important:
- the Prime Minister
- the Deputy Prime Minister
- the Cabinet
- UK is subdivided in different constituencies
- (England,Scotland,Wales & Northern Ireland)
- every 5 years, voters in each constituency elect their Members of Parliament (MP) in a general election
- every voter has one vote for one candidate in his/her constituency
- the candidate with the most votes in a constituency wins
- all elected MP's form the House of Commons
- most of them belong to a political party
- party with largest number of MP's forms government
- citizens of the UK, of the Commonwealth, or of Northern-Ireland, who are older than 21 years
- members of the Upper House
- madmen
- someone, who is imprisoned for more than one year
- traitors
- officials of the crown
- clerics of the church of England, Scotland or Ireland
- members of the Roman-Catholic-Church
- influential consideration
- before 1918: only 58% of the adult male
population was allowed to vote
- 1918: Women over the age of 30, who met certain requirements were allowed to vote
- 1928: Women over 21 were able to vote, equal rights (men&women)
- a candidate is able to participate in several constituencies
- if he/she wins in several constituencies he/she has to decide in which he/she wants to participate in future
The Deputy Prime Minister
Current role holder: Nick Clegg (since May 2010)
Current role holder: David Cameron ( since May 2010)
- collective decision-making body of the government of the United Kingdom
- it is composed of the Prime Minister and about 20 senior members of Parliament
- Prime Minister appoints these members to become ministers in charge of departments
- they make the executive decisions
- leader of political party in power
- responsible for all policy and decisions
- dutys:
- appoints members of Cabinet
- oversees operation of the Civil Service and government agencies
- is the principal government figure in the House of Commons
- can be changed if Members of Parliament in government party decide to do so
- usually: resigns when his/her party is defeated in general election
- deputy head of government
- leader of Liberal Democrats
- responsibilities:
- leading the government’s political and constitutional reform agenda
- building strategic relationships in Europe and across the world
- overseeing the government’s drive to rebalance the economy
- second largest party in House of Commons
- it is lead by the person who hopes to become Prime Minister through the next general election
- leads his/her party in pointing out government failures and weaknesses
- the Opposition also forms a Shadow Cabinet
- it is an alternative cabinet to the one of the government
- consists out of a senior group of opposition spokespeople
- Conservative/Liberal Democrat government
- first coalition government in 70 years
- reason for coalition: no majority
- Schwarz, Hellmut et. al. (ed.): Context 21 - Ausgabe Hessen. Cornelsen, Berlin 2010.