Whole Foods' Solution
- Laid off 1,500 team members
- Transition pay
- Severance pay
- Opportunity to apply for other jobs in the company
Any Questions?
Our Recommendations
Organizational Structure
Hiring Process
High Prices and Increased Competition
- Team interview
- Team vote
- Zero-tolerance policy
Depleted Employee Morale
Educational Opportunities
Team Culture
- Leadership classes
- Diversity training
- Healthy Eating Initiative
- Volunteer program
Employee Feedback
- Morale surveys
- Team leader surveys
- Town hall meetings
- Team Member Connections
Team Builds
- Learning
- Community service
- Food
- Fun
Core Values
"We support team member happiness and excellence"
- 1980: Founded in in Austin, Texas
- Find fulfillment in jobs
- Promote positive and healthy relationships among team members
Declaration of Interdependence
"Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet"
- highest quality
- empower their employees
- supports organic farming