Personality type Monkey,
Strengths: Monkeys are often personable, expressive and out going.
Weaknesses: Monkeys will interrupt and sometimes not listen well.
If you meet a monkey, you would know, because we like to hear ourselves talk.
Finally, monkeys will often disagree with lions and owls, because they prefer a more structured atmosphere, whereas monkeys enjoy be spontaneous and make decisions on the go.
As a Friend
• Exerts more control
• Motivates and captivates
• Thrives in group activities
• Not afraid of conflict
• Speaks what is on their mind
When talking to Lions
• Get to the point
• Give direct and honest answers
• Speak loud and clearly
Emotional Characteristics
• Loves to be in charge
• Confident
• Must correct wrong/injustice
• Not easily discouraged
• Independent and Self-sufficient
At School/Work
• Assertive and aggressive
• Focused on production
• Able to see the “big picture”
• Good at finding practical solutions
• Will use others to their advantage
Owls Personality Type
Owl Information
• Introvert Thinkers, they are precise and organized.
• Like to plan and follow logical trains of thought.
• They prefer calm and thought-out modes of communication without redundancy
or emotionally charged arguments.
• Some people may find them overly critical or emotionally unavailable, which can make them seem remote or disinterested in group work.
• However, Owls just like being precise and take pride in their projects.
Group Results!
Platinum Rules!
Monkeys: Embrace our spontaneous personalities
Lions: Respect our opinion and recognize our motive
Owls: Be happy and patient about our compromising decisions
Golden Retrievers: Listen to us and respect our need for space and time
HD 205 helped us become more considerate of how others work best
Having a mix of personality types brought new ideas to the table
We used our specific strengths to complete different parts of the project
Assigned jobs to each person:
Monkeys and Lions organized the project and chose to present
Owls and Golden Retrievers helped put together the content of the prezi.
• Relationship Oriented
• Supporters
• Amiable
• Introverted
• Feeling
• Pros: Accepting, Nurturing,
Trusting Compassionate
• Cons: Follower, Fearful, Possessive, High- Maintenance
• Often care about how their actions can make others feel.
• They may not always speak up since they are afraid of hurting someone else’s feelings with what they say.
"Understanding different personality types can help us understand various perspectives & ways of communicating, no one personality is better than others."
Spontaneous, creativity oriented
Drivers, controllers, results oriented
Being familiar with the four personality types (monkey, lion, owl, golden retriever) will benefit anyone who utilizes it in the future. Knowing them will help you become better friends with the people around you and help fix problems that you may have with someone. We interact with people almost every day and being able to recognize someones personality can tell you many things about that person that can better your relationship with them in the present and future.
Supports, relationship oriented
Google images & In class notes!
The Animal Matrix
Ava Tolcacher, Lauren Bingea, Carley Wood, Alexandra Piffner, Tatiana Smith, Auriona Harvey, Zoe Goedecke, Jake Clifford, Kyle Dorosh, Magaly Mendoza, Travis Campbell, Danyaal Asif