Social Security Act
By: Paris Newland & Connor Clark
Period 4
December 10, 2014
Variable's of the Act
Social Security Act
- Important to Social Legislation.
- Roosevelt plans programs for Act.
- Act was finally signed into law.
Effect on People
- Another arm of the Social Security Act
- Grants to children too not just their single parent’s.
- Offered child care, also provided work training and job placement.
Present/ Past Similarities
- Governed for retired elder only
- Legislative recovery and relief
- Social security provides more than 90% of retirement funds.
- Private pension has increased
Overview (1929-89)
- All American's use Social Security.
- Generally based on individual's PIA (Primary Insurance Amount)
Effect the Most
- Adjusted annually based on growth in average earning's.
- Granted to children also not just parent's.
- 90% source of people over the age of 65' income.
Major Changes Of the Social Security System
Social Security Today
- The first recognition of the fragility of the Social Security program occurred in 1975
- In his February 2005 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush indicated that strengthening Social Security was one of the priorities for his second term in office.
Earliest Developments
- In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Committee on Economic Security (CES).
- The SSA created a social insurance program covering a variety of individuals.
Changes to the 1935 Act
- There have been many changes
- It added a survivor’s benefit, paid to the family in the event of the premature death of a covered worker.
- In 1961, the retirement age for men was reduced to 62
Social Security: Tax or Insurance?
- Originally, President Roosevelt called for “social insurance.”
- Most kinds of taxes (income, property, sales) are paid without the expectation on the part of the payor of receiving commiserate benefits.
Historical Backround
Sources of Economic Security
The First Payment
- For the ancient Greeks economic security took the form of amphorae of olive oil.
- Olive oil was very nutritious
- Could be stored for long periods of times.
- Set payroll taxes in 1937
- Start of monthly benefits in 1942.
- In the 1937–1939 period, more than 441,000 people received Social Security benefits totaling over $25 million
State Old-Age Pentions
- Following the outbreak of the Great Depression, poverty among the elderly grew dramatically.
- There were many reasons for the low participation in state-run pension systems.