Future Scope
- System can be expanded with availability over worldwide.
- Reaching as close as possible of the donor from emergency zone.
- A smart phone application of the system can be made.
- Providing Donors an option of change his/her availability.
Actors & Modules of System
Objectives of the System
- Name
- Username
- Password
- DateOfBirth
- Gender
- Blood Group
- Mobile Number
- Email
- City
- Blood Donor Searching System.
- Adaptable to meet the emergency and complex need of Blood .
- This is Key Facilitator for the Healthcare Sector, it also supports one of the major functionalities of a Blood Bank.
What is Blood donation?
A blood donation occurs when a person Voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusion. Donation may be of whole-blood (WB), or of specific components directly.
Our main vision is to design a systematic blood donor management system & to validate the design using an appropriate support.
System Tools
- At present it is available for some limited zone.
- Problem to calculate number of donor available in list.
- Difficulty in identifying blood donor’s expiry date.
- In future we must overcome this drawback by using modern technologies.
- The person who is able to observe and maintain the whole system
- The functionalities are :
- CSS3
- Java
- MySQL Database
- Log in
- Maintain Donor details
- Update and change Database
- Observe and remove donor
- Logout
- Admin maintains the security of the system
Done by:
1604-15-733-067 Ayesha Siddiqa
1604-15-733-073 Shaik Hanisha
1604-15-733-079 Shaheena Farveen
- System Actors and Modeling
- Use Case Diagram
- System Tools
- Security System
- Limitations
- Future Scope
- Blood Donation ?
- Limitations of the Manual System
- Advantages over the Manual System
- Why the system is necessary ?
- System Overview
- Donor:A person who donate blood voluntarily
- Each Donor has an individual account
- The options given to each registered Donors are :
- Login
- Update Information
- Delete Account
- Logout
- Donors can know about the details process of Blood Donation
- Helps are provided to Donors for successful Blood Donation
Security system
- Acceptor are anyone who view the system.
- Functionalities of Acceptor :
- Search for Blood Donor
- Find Donors at Emergency Zone
- Request or report to Admin panel
- Administrator can do any kind of insert, update and delete related operation.
- Donors can only operate his/her own account
- Acceptor has no permission to do any kind of operation.
- Secure form destroy data and any kind of illegal operation.
- No one can put information by using any software to fill up our registration sector.
- If one doesn’t know which blood group is needed then can take help from the help page.
- Can contact with the donor over phone number or email.
Advantages over manual system
- Cost Optimize
- Access from anywhere
- Access at any time
- Quick Search
- Better Communication
- Optimize to volunteer
- Time Optimize
Limitations of the Manual System
- Time consuming
- Leads to error prone results
- Consumes lot of manpower
- Lacking of donor information
- Uncertainty of Donor availability
- Retrieval of data takes lot of time
- Percentage of accuracy is less