Catholic Morality
Moral Decision Making
However, because of the Fall, we suffer the impact of Original Sin.
- Baptism delivers us from Original Sin, but not from its effects, which
- weakens our will
- inclines us to sin
The task of distinguishing between good and evil and applying these distinctions to human behavior.
It is understood through:
• Natural Reason
• Church teachings (Tradition)
• Scripture
Free Will
A gift from God that enables us
to seek and love what is true, good
and beautiful.
Where does that leaves us?
Within us, we each have...
- The powerful surge to do good because we are made in the image of God
- The darker impulses toward evil because of the effects of Original Sin.
- Christ's dying and rising offers us new life in the Spirit.
- His saving grace delivers us from sin
- heals sin's damage within us
The Bottom Line
"Do the right thing, at the right time, in the best way possible, for the love of God."
Mary Mazzarello
Guidelines for determining
the morality of an action
(where, when, how, with whom)
(what we do)
What are the circumstances surrounding the action?
Is the action itself
good or bad (or evil)?
- Circumstances can affect the morality of an act.
- They can increase or lessen the goodness of an act, and,
- therefore, a person's level of responsibility for that act.
The Excellence of Virtues
If the action is inherently wrong, a good intention does not make it right.
(Why we do it)
What is the intent of the action?
A good act
done with a bad intention
makes the whole action bad.
How do we acquire the human virtues?
- Frequent Repetition of virtuous acts
- seeing them in the good example of others
Cardinal Virtues
All human virtues "hinge" on the four Cardinal Virtues
Virtue - "an habitual and firm disposition to do good" CCC 1803
- prudence
- justice
- fortitude
- temperance
- Human virtues
- Theological virtues
Two Core Principles of
Catholic Morality
Human Dignity
The Theological Virtues
The truth that "every person bears the dignity of being made in the image of God."
- Form our soul
- guide our conduct
Acquired not through human effort
infused within us at Baptism as gifts from God.
The belief that we exist in community, and therefore, our actions always effect the community.
- Compassion
- responsibility
- sense of duty
- self-discipline and restraint
- honesty
- loyalty
- friendship
- courage
- persistence
The Formation of Conscience
"A good conscience requires lifelong formation."
The Gifts of the Spirit
"a judgment of reason by which the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act." CCC 1796
the inner voice that helps us to know the law God has placed in our hearts.
Tools to help us!
The Lives of the Saints
The Beatitudes
A well-formed conscience
makes judgments that conform to reason and the good that is willed by God.