Significant Events in Canada During 1920 and 1930s Timeline
Spanish Flu
Event Summary
The Spanish Flu started attacking citizens
after WW1. The flu originally came from
Europe from destroyed land which spread
by returning soldiers.
The flu brought massive devastation to people
all around the world killing millions
Relative Negativity
This event is a negative event because as I said
earlier, this flu was a brutal event that killed civilians all around the world.
Winnipeg General Strike
Event Summary
This event is important because it was caused by the Great Depresion. There was no minimum wage and people were hardly getting paid. This is another direct cause of the strike.
Relative Negativity
The General strike was a negative event because
it separated the city and its people and caused
riots and violence among civilians of the same
city. Some were killed and arrested.
Discovery of Insulin
Event Summary
Before insulin was discovered, diabetes was
a very unwanted disease that basically led to
death. During October 1920, Dr. Frederick
Banting who was in Toronto took his idea to
Professor John McLeod at the University of
Toronto. During January 1922, a 14 year old
boy was chosen as the first person to recieve
insulin. The test was a huge success and insulin
was discovered.
Insulin is one of the most famous discoveries
made by a Canadian. This is because before
insulin was discovered, the rate of deaths
caused by type 1 diabetes was 100%. Now it`s
so rare to die from type 1 diabetes. Insulin has
saved more than millions of lives for more than
eighty years.
Relative Positivity
This is a positive event because insulin
saved so many people from diabetes
and death.
Event Summary
The first Olympics occurred at Amsterdam, Netherlands (May 17, 1928 to August 12, 1928). Canada participated in 50 events with 76 men and 7 women.
These Olympics were the first to include women
even though there are hardly any women. Sexism
was fading away.
Relative Positivity
The Olympics were a positive because it was loved by people watching so it was fun for them.
Black Tuesday
Event Summary
October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday caused the stock
markets to crash. This was the starting of the Great Depression that stayed until the 1930s. Black Tuesday was the most massive economic downfall in Canadian history.
Black Tuesday was very significant to Canada because it was the biggest financial crash in Canadian history. Everything was fine in the 1920s. Businesses, markets, and resources were all growing until suddenly the stocks boomed and causing people to go jobless.
Relative Negativity
Black Tuesday was obviously a negative event
because it hurt so many people negatively. Wealth worth billions of dollars were wiped out instantaneously. Millions of jobs and homes were gone. Also, people lost the money they saved up because of the stock market crash. After Black Tuesday, many committed suicide, and millions died of starvation.
The On-To-Ottawa-Trek
Event Summary
The On to Ottawa Trek was a protest filled
with protesters who were willing to do anything.
They went so far that they took their issue all the
way to Ottawa using any means possible.
Relative Positivity
This event is a positive event for Canada
because the protesters showed the government
had willpower and to have perseverance to
fight for what they thought was right.
Relative Positivity
Relative Negativity