Savannah Mix
The nucleus is the control center in the cell.
It is also the brain of the cell.
The nucleolus is a structure inside the nucleus which produces ribosomes.
The nuclear envelope is a double layer membrane that surrounds a cell.
Lysosomes are the James Bond of a cell. They Clean and kill harmful things that come into the cell.
The golgi apparatus is the post office for a cell. It packages the protiens and sends them to their specific cellular address.
The endoplasmic reticulum. (ER) is the highway for the cell. There is a rough and smooth ER. They help transport protiens through the cell.
The plasma membrane is also the cell membrane. It lets the good in and the bad out. It is a double layer of phospholipids.
The cytoplasm holds the parts of the cell in place. The cytoplasm also gives a place for the products of the cell to be made.
Centrosomes are organelles that help regulate the cell cycle progression
Actin is a round protien found in all eukaryotic cells.
Microtubules are one of the three components that help make up the nucleolus.
The mitochondria is the power station for a cell. It has its wn DNA and provides the cell with all of the energy it would need.
How did we find this all out?
All living things are made up of cells.
All cells come from other cells
One day Robert Hooke was looking at a piece of cork underneath a microscope and saw that the little holes in the cork looked like a cellula. Which means "small room". Therefore coming up with the name "cell" for what he had been investigating.
The cell is the basic unit of structure and function.
Here are
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