Juan de Onate
Born: 1550 in Zacatecas, Mexico
Died: 1626
Sailed for: Zacatecas,Mexico
His colony was established by the contract of King Phillip and was named New Mexico in Rio Grande Valley.
Purpose of exploration:
- build a new colony to make a stronger Spain
- So more people would settle in New Mexico and profit would build up
- Looking for gold and riches
This trip did not benefit for Mexico.King Phillip III called Juan de Onate to the stand in 1606. Onate withdrew as govener because the colony fell apart. He was persecuted of many different problems including hanging to Indians,the execution of mutineers,deserters, and adultery. He was banished from his colony and took the job of mining in Spain. He never had the same respect for his reputation.
This is the Rio Grande flag Juan Onate sailed for.
Along the way there were many hardships.In December 1598, on their way to Zuni, Capt. Juan de Zaldivar and his soldiers were persecuted by the Acoma tribe. Also the colony struggled with food supply and freezing weather which crops could not grow.
Juan De Onate met many tribes of Rio Grande and on the Texas Border looking for Buffalo. The groups he encountered were the Zuni,Hopi, and Acoma.