Exercising daily is one of the best ways to clear your mind and burn some steam!
Take deep breaths
Spending time with loved ones
Breath in and out slow for 10 seconds and relax
Hanging out with family, friends, and loved ones can definitely help take some stress off of your shoulders
How can we manage stress?
Have a friend or someone you like sit down and talk to you so you can rant and get everything off of your mind
Giving ourselves enough time to accomplish things is very important we become way too stressed when we have too much on our plate. Making sure we have plenty of time to do something helps make it relaxing knowing it won't be late
Healthy Eating
Eating healthy overall makes us feel better physically and mentally
We need 8 or more hours of sleep for our mind and body to have energy and think clear we may feel stressed about little things when we lack of sleep
gives us more energy for more efficient day ahead of us