- One reason in which World War II was a turning point for Black Americans was to the fact that the blacks were used to fly the fighter planes, they were nicknamed Red Tails as they were second hand planes.
- However the blacks were slowly accepted as equal US citizens, which slowly lead to integration. Finally they were allowed to fight alongside the white American's.
- Desegregation in the navy came in 1946 and the other services came in 1948. By 1955, the army had changed into a successful integrated organization.
When black soldiers were injured; only a black soldier's blood could be used as whites felt that mixed blood would 'mongrelised' the USA.
Was World War II a turning point
for black Americans?
By: Georgia, Holly, Kyah and Connor...
The Positive Points
The Negative
Even though they
were equally fighting for the same country they were still segregated and not integrated.
The black Americans
were left to do the small jobs. This was so they would receive no credit so no one would have to praise them
Even after black
Americans fought for
their country, the Ku Klux Klan still lynched black Americans. Evidence from 1940 tells us this.
Also, their
was only 2 black segregation units.
The American
marines didn't enroll black Americans until 1942.
Furthermore, the Red Tails had the most dangerous job of actually protecting the white bombers
Although the Tuskegee
fighter pilots are a turning point, they were under the command of only white commanders.
Our Discussion
As part of our discussion we
will talk through the
positives and negatives of
being a black American
in the Second World War...