Judging a book by its 'Color' : Racial Profiling in America
The Opposition: Those in Favor of Racial Profiling
What's the Problem with Racial Profiling?
Illegal Contraband
ANYONE can be a victim of racial profiling
Racial profiling has led to:
- psychological/mental consequences
- emotional consequences
- physical consequences
- FATAL consequences
Illegal Immigration
What is Racial Profiling?
Cases of Racial Profiling
Preventing Racial Profiling
“I was very humiliated by this experience. I was embarrassed and ashamed that people driving by would think I had committed a serious crime. It was particularly horrible to be treated like a criminal in front of my impressionable young son.” - Rossano Gerald
“This experience was very traumatic for Gregory. Throughout the interrogation, he was frightened and crying. Even before he was removed from my presence, he was nervous, crying and hyperventilating." - Rossano Gerald
"A significant number of stops resulted in the use of physical force by the NYPD. Of those stops, a disproportionate number of Blacks and Latinos had physical force used against them.” (“What Is Racial Profiling?”)
Train officers to be more polite and respectful.
- form of discrimination
- targets individuals based on characteristics
- criminals
“The very President of the United States already had effectively declared Zimmerman guilty of a racially-motivated murder” - Anderson <infowars.com>
Educate them more about the history of race.