Russian workmen endured very tough military discipline during their work, and these men/children had a high death rate that was caused by "accidents" with machinery and being starved. These men/children that worked in factories were often forced off their land to go work.
Social Classes
Upper Classes: royalty, nobillity, and higher clergy
Middle Classes: merchants, bureacrats, and professional
Working classes: factory workers, artisans, and soldiers
Lower Classes: landed and landless farmers, and serfs
Russia during the 16th and 17th century was the "trading country". The main occupation of merchants in Russia was working in agriculture, and working with/trading livestock. Merchants during this time period took many dangerous trade routes in order to sell.
In general serfs worked on land and had arrangements made for them by the lord of the land. Also the lord of the land makes arrangements as to what the serf does.
34 out of 36 million peasants were either landlord serfs or state peasants. State peasants mainly stayed on less fertile lands and suffered less restrictions even though they were required to do industrial work. (Vice versa landlord serfs.)
Emperor Nicholas II (1868-1918)
Nicholas II inherited the throne from his father
after his death. Even though Nicholas II believed
in Autocracy he created and elected legislation.
Bloody Sunday and WW1 killed Nicholas' subjects, and got himself abdicated from the throne. Nicholas II was executed July 17th, 1918.
Social Classes in Russia
By Zyannah C and Haley Garmon