The British Class System
Giselle Dahm, Paula Steuer
Thursday, March 30th 2017
Table of Contents
New Class System
- Definition
- British social class system then and now
- NOW: Elite, Established middle class, technical middle class, new affluent workers, traditional working class, emergent service workers, precariat
- Why did the classes change?
- Sources
- Assignment
- 6% of population
- mainly aristrocacy and landowners
- wealthiest and most privileged
- went to public schools and elite Universities
- enjoy high cultural activities
- mainly in London and the South of England
Established middle class
What is Social Class?
- about 25% of British society
- the most gregarious and the second wealthiest
- work in traditional professions
- socialise with a wide variety of people
- take part in cultural activities
Technical middle class
- about 6% of British society
- most expanding group in Britain
- come from middle-class background
- enjoy social media
- remain distinct from the other classes
- the grouping of people by occupations
- different positions represent different levels of power, influence and money
New affluent workers
- about 15% of British society
- economically secure, without being well-off
- sociable
- lots of cultural interests
- sits in the middle of all the groups in terms of wealth
- working-class background
Traditional working class
- about 14% of British society
- oldest average age
- jobs include lorry drivers, hotel staff and electricians
- hardest hit by unemployment
- own their own home
- remain destinct from the other classes
Emergent service workers
- about 19% of British society
- many west indians
- depending on state benefits
- not financially secure
- one third lives below the poverty line
- enjoy a wide range of cultural activities
- young people
Old vs. New System
- about 15% of British society
- poorest and most deprived social group
- mix socially with people like them
- don't have broad range of cultural interests
- don't usually own own home
- used to be categorized into 3 main class types
- Upper class
- Middle class
- Lower class
Why did the classes change?
- now its categorized in 7 class types
- Elite
- Established middle class
- Technical middle class
- New affluent workers
- Traditional working class
- Emergent service workers
- Precariat
Outline how this gap between poor and rich developed
- no longer simply linked to capital and pronounciation
- possible to hold multiple class identities
- most societies have overcome restrictions and inequalities of older class systems
Discuss: how do you think one could reverse this development?
Thank you for your attention