The Fly in the Ointment
Idiom: "something that destroys something else"
(fly= money)(ointment=relationship)
Etimology: Bible story that explains dead flies spoil ointment (skin medicine)
V.S. Pritchett
Mood and Tone
- The tone: existentialist
- absurdity of life and human insignificance
- meanigless
- man cannot interpret
- then fails
"Although money is necessary for a family to thrive, it is also strains their relationship, as when money becomes an obsession to someone, they lose sight of what is important"
- Man´s struggle for survival,
- displacement and alienation
- insignificance
- flaws and how they spoil (title)
- 30 years factory owner
- Bankrupt
- two-faced
- one face is humble, shy, feels free away from money, apologetic
- the other face is power/money-hungry
- weak when the fly appears
- he wants the best for his son but is critic of his son´s life choices
- unnamed
Narrator and view
- shifts point of view
- Omniscient
- then inner mind of the character
Symbolic use of fly
- son
- low-paid lecturer
- turbulent relationshin w his father
- compassiobate and loyal
- down to earth
- generous
- constant reminder of dark side
- father´s inability to control it
father´s last day in factory
- rising action: harold visits him
- conflict:knows his father´s lust for money
- climax: reader realises that the father´s perspective about money had not changed
- resolution: rasing money
The author
- disturbed childhood
- father in trouble with creditors
- moved towns frequently
- lived with diverse relatives