How did the Bolsheviks seize power?
July Days
Storming of the Winter Palace
- ordinary people opposed the war
- Kerensky launched attack on Germans
- defeat --> mistake
- Petrograd demonstrations -> July Days
- soldiers, sailors, workers protest on July 16-17
- Bolsheviks not ready to seize power
- Kerensky become Prime Minister
Vladimir Lenin
- leader of the Bolsheviks
- demanded: there be no co-operation with the Provisional Government, war should end, land given to peasants, Soviets take power
- wanted a Socialist Revolution where workers took power
The Bolsheviks seize power
- Trotsky organized the takeover of the city planned for 7 November
- publicized
- The city slept and small groups of Bolshevik Red Guards moved out
- Lenin and Trotsky were gloomy, realizing that they were finished it Kerensky could get enough troops together
- Red Guards arrived and moved in