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“the government needs criticism from its people, without this criticism the government will not be able to function as the “People’s Democratic Dictatorship” Zhou, 1956
“It is here that Stalin showed in a whole series of cases his intolerance, his brutality, and his abuse of power ... he often chose the path of repression and physical annihilation, not only against actual enemies, but also against individuals who had not committed any crimes against the party or the Soviet Government.”
Text of Speech on Stalin by Khrushchev as released by the State Department
„let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend“
“each political party in China should rule in transitional governments, each with four years term”
“the country should separate with each Political Party controlling a zone of its own”
“intellectuals are virtually being tortured while living in a communist society”
"The CPC should give up power"
“there’s a total lack of freedom if the CPC is continue on ruling the country”
→Party receives millions of letters criticising:
Building up of "Democratic Wall" and creation of posters
Mao and Party are shocked and stop campaign July 1957
1. from begin intended to expose rightists and counter revolutionaries
2. movement that grew out of conflicts in party, was only seen negative when criticism went against Mao personally
slow progress, people did not criticize
New ideas should bring China forward
• Mao was encouraged by the events happening in Europe in 1956
The Soviet Union in 1956
History, 20th Century World, Authoritarian and Single- Party States, Brian Mimmack, Pearson
The Hundred Flowers Campaign