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What makes

Jessica McPhee

Perfect for this Job?


It's more than

my love of Special Education.


It's more than

treating every child with the respect and love I would my own.


Because I believe in assessment...

I will always follow the

But Why Assess?

General Ethical Principles!

If hired, I will assess in order to:

  • Respect for dignity of others
  • Professional competence and integrity
  • Integrity and honesty
  • Responsibility to others
  • identify those at risk
  • track and monitor student progress
  • determine a student's strengths and needs
  • access resources for my students
  • improve a student's educational outcome

I am blessed to wake up and

love what I do

I have legal responsibilities as well.

I previously mentioned the General Ethical Principals but they are so important I wanted to touch on them one last time

Respect for Dignity of others

Professional Competence and Integrity

Integrity and Honesty

Responsibility to others

The overview structure implies the tension

between the two sides

- it can be conveyed even at a distance where we can't see the details

There is a path to

interpreting Standardized Scores

Why Measure




are chanting


  • Refers to whether a test measures what it intends to measure
  • Determines the appropriateness of inferences or conclusions that are based on test results

Did I mention that I will be so cautious with my recommendations?

Factors, other than your

children crying all night, that affect Reliability

Follow Up:

Alternate-forms reliability

  • Consistency of test scores over different forms of the test

I will be careful when recommending itinerant and district services and while using diagnostic terminology/

Test-retest reliability

  • Consistency of test scores over time

People love to talk, People love to use jargon. I have sat in meetings where specialist say a lot of fancy stuff. The meeting goes well, but everyone leaves without a plan.

I will be:

  • Organized
  • Collaborative
  • Concise
  • and compassionate

Methods of Estimating Reliabilty

Internal consistency reliability

  • Consistency of test scores throughout a test

I will always make a plan and follow up on that plan

Interrater reliability

  • Consistency of test scores between raters

I knew I would be a better parent after becoming a teacher. I

Think I am equally a better teacher after becoming a parent.

Refers to the consistency of a measure

  • I will let my SBT know what is going on
  • I will check in with classroom and appropriate teachers
  • I will contact parents and follow up

I will always consider these...promise

Face Validity

  • Refers to whether a test looks valid

Content Validity

  • Refers to whether the items within a test represent the domain being assessed

Parents are trusting you with their baby. That

is a GINORMOUS honor that has to be respected. I will do everything I can to make parents feel relaxed. They will know that I am on their side and many wonderful traits I noticed about their child.

Psychological measurement is a process

Criterion-Related Validity

  • Refers to how positively test scores correlate with some type of criterion or outcome
  • The two forms of criterion-related validity are: Concurrent validity & Predictive validity


Construct Validity

  • Refers to the degree to which a test measures a specified psychological construct
  • Two components of construct validity: Convergent validity & Discriminant/divergent validity

Parents will always have a clear understanding of why their child was referred and what tests are administered. We will talk about "Big picture" and short term goals with a focus on a child's strengths.


"Holy Moly this is the best presentation we have ever seen!"

Refers to whether a test measures what it intends to measure

Factors, other than your

children crying all night,

that affect reliability

Reliability Coefficients

  • Express the degree of consistency in the measurement of test scores
  • Denoted by the letter r and range from 1.00 (perfect reliability) to .00 (absence of reliability)

Methods of Estimating Reliability

Test-retest reliability , Alternate-forms reliability , Interrater reliability , Internal consistency reliability

This is the part I struggled with initially, so pay attention!

Face Validity

Construct Validity

What on Earth is The Normal Curve?


  • Refers to whether a test looks valid
  • Based on superficial examination of a test

It is a frequency distribution that forms a bell shaped curve. We can assume that human characteristics, including academic achievement, follow a normal curve.

The Normal Curve

Refers to the consistency of a measure

  • Refers to the degree to which a test measures a specified psychological construct
  • Two components of construct validity: Convergent validity &

Discriminant/divergent validity

Individual's performance

on a test is compared

with the perfomance of a

representative group of individuals

Derived Score

Raw scores are not very meaningful

they require conversion into a relative measure

Raw scores are not very


Derived Score is the same thing as a norm referenced score

Derived Score

Conversion to relative measure

Raw Scores

Content Validity

Norm- Referenced Measurement

The Major Types of Derived Scores used in norm

Referenced measurement are:

What on Earth is a Normal Curve?

Criterion-Related Validity

Calm Down Everyone, I know and I'm happy to share

  • Refers to whether the items within a test represent the domain being assessed
  • Standard Scores
  • Percentile Ranks
  • Stanines
  • Age and Grade Equivalents
  • Refers to how positively test scores correlate with some type of criterion or outcome
  • The two forms of criterion-related validity are:

Concurrent validity & Predictive validity

I once was lost (in interpretation) but now I'm found

Derived/ Norm

Referenced Scores

Percentile Ranks?

A point of distribution at or below which the scores

of a given percentage of individuals fall

A student at the 50th percentile on

a particular test scores

Allow us to determine an individual's relative

position within a group

and not as well as 50% pr students

as well as or better than

50% of the students in the

norm group

Stanine distribution is divided into

9 segments, so stanines are expressed as whole numbers

from 1-9

I stay away from using age and grade equivalent scores

don't worry if you can't can't remember all this,

Psychological Measurement conveys

But I actually know what all of this means

  • Standard scores are raw scores that have been transformed so they have a pre-determined mean and standard deviation
  • Expressed as an individual’s distance from the mean in terms of the standard deviation of the distribution
  • Z scores (M = 0, SD = 1) are the type of standard score which all other standard scores are based
  • Scores on cognitive measures tend
  • to be expressed as standard scores
  • with M = 100 and SD = 15

Scores on cognitive measures tend to be expressed as standard scores with M=100 and SD = 15

Standard Scores



My recommendations will always be:

Evidence based and effective

Individualized for the specific child

Short and longer term

Specifically linked to assessment results


Reasonable and do-able


Focused on strengths and areas of need

For School and for Home

I will always make my recommendations

culturally appropriate


Data can be gathered from either:

Test data or Other (like observations)


Because no child should be judged

from one single snapshot in time

See? Aren't I perfect for this job?

Did you know that I will also

Recommendations can be in the form of:

Direct Intervention

Adaptations -like extra time

  • Prioritize my recommendations
  • Be collaborative with the student, family, classroom teacher and other learning support
  • Make sure my recommendations are practical and positive
  • Make sure my recommendations are scientific and detailed

Why will I Make Recommendations? (It is like I'm reading your mind...isn't it?)

Work around strategies

Plan for follow up

Help students advocate for themselves

Help classroom teacher support students

Improve School Function

Reduce frustration and discouragement


I will establish rapport by starting with a general conversation. I will maintain momentum by offering words of encouragement.

I will always establish rapport by starting with a general conversation.

I will maintain momentum with words

of encouragement

I will always be

  • A the student's eye level
  • concise and clear in my language
  • honest and direct

"Explain what you mean"

"Tell me more"

"Tell me more"

"Explain what you mean"

I will always praise effort

about people's attributes

(ex. Academic achievement)


Disclaimer: I have never used this format but

I wanted to become better acquainted with Prezi

as I think it is a format conducive to a UDL classroom.

I tried to add voice overs to the pathways but ended up

erasing my presentation. I hope you enjoy the silence:)

I am blessed to wake up and know I'm making a difference

Factors that make a


Special Education Teacher

There is a lot that I will remember when administering tests.

When testing,

All materials and space will be prepared

In general, I love what I do

for elaboration

have to ask

Sometimes I'll

when they don't know the answer


There seems a lot for me to remember like:


  • Timing of administration-usually morning
  • To give breaks between subtests
  • To allow caregivers to be present if needed
  • To record verbatim
  • To record observations of behaviour
  • To keep detailed notes
  • To use behaviour management tools when needed
  • To finish on a positive note and to provide a sense of closure

But don't worry...

And, I love why I do it

While keeping in mind the BIG picture

Have I mentioned my organization skills?

Have I mentioned how much I love graphs?


I believe that it takes a village to raise a child and the role of a Special Education Teacher is an honourary position within the village. One not to be taken lightly.


I love to focus on details

Every student is somebody's child. Every student needs to be treated how you would want your child to be treated.


I am given the honour &



of being able to administer some Level B Tests

I can not help but to think how I would want myself and my child treated if the roles were reversed

I am so lucky to get to share in the brilliance and

joy that children possess. My feelings will not be contained.

There are so many things to consider:

Factors Affecting Reliability

You also have to factor in Validity

  • Test Length
  • Homogeneity of Items
  • Test-retest interval
  • Guessing
  • Variation in the test situation
  • Sample Size
  • Improper Administration

(It's like really important so I'm really aware of all the factors that can affect it.)

Convey perspective as you move to/from detail


I got a little sad and lost when I was initially studying all this information. Then, I administered a Level B test, and I remembered I am a really good teacher because I care.....a lot. The kids and their families know this.

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