Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.
The origin of mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist philosophy and practice tradition more than two and a half thousand years old. It is an effective practice without any religious context of Buddhism. Mindfulness can be practiced by anyone of any faith or religion and involves training the mind and doesn't enforce any religious belief system.
Google has created the program "Search Inside Yourself" that has helped thousands of employees to breathe consciously, listen to their colleagues and improve their emotional intelligence. Google offers meditation courses knowing that it can improve the mental health of employees and the overall balance within the company.
Repsol, a few years ago, they began to carry out meditation sessions which were self-managed by employees. Now they are launching more structured pilot groups to "develop emotional intelligence and improve the relationship with the internal and external client".
Is it true that mindfulness improves work performance?
Hussein Bdeir
- What is mindfulness?
- What are its origins?
- In what environments is it applied?
- Do they teach mindfulness?
- What is it for?
- Is it applicable to the company?
- Is it applied in Spanish companies?
- Conclusions
- Bibliography
Is it applied in Spanish companies?
In Spain there are also more and more companies that actively use the mindfulness. To mention some examples: Endesa, Repsol, Heineken, Xerox, Sodexo and Mahou San Miguel and naturally also in many small and medium-sized national companies.
What are its origins?
Mahou-San Miguel "we work Mindfulness because it improves the management of emotions and helps to prevent anxiety or depression, among other things".
The studies carried out so far by the consultant Adecco, according to which, with the practice of this kind of meditation, the productivity of employees increases by 20 percent.
65 percent of workers who practice mindfulness ensure a greater sense of calm and relaxation at work. Moreover, according to Adecco, a reduction of 78 percent has been detected on the days of absenteeism for anxiety, stress or depression in the companies that carry out this practice.
In what environments is it applied?
Is it applicable to the company?
In the last decade, the practice of Mindfulness has been integrated into all social sectors, expanding from the clinical field to very different ones, and one of the most important is the business world and organizations.
Most of the big US companies, among which are NASA, Google, Apple, Nike, Intel, Procter and Gamble, General Mills, AOL, Starbucks ... have already launched Mindfulness initiatives in their organizations. Therefore, mindfulness is becoming an essential part of management development programs in business schools.
Do they teach mindfulness?
What is it for?
Mindfulness meditation gives us a time in our lives when we can suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and kindness—to ourselves and others.
- http://www.elmundo.es/vida-sana/mente/2016/04/17/5710e63f468aebbf748b4613.html
- https://www.mindful.org/what-is-mindfulness/
- http://www.mindfulschools.org/foundational-concepts/what-is-mindfulness/
- http://www.mindful-moments.co.uk/pages/what-is-mindfulness-.php
- https://www.sukhamindfulness.com/empresa/
- http://www.webmindfulness.com/para-quien-es-mindfulness/para-el-ambito-de-la-empresa/
- https://institutmindfulness.org/mindfulness-en-empresa/
- http://sloyu.com/2016/11/28/mindfulness-empresas/
- http://www.larazon.es/local/comunidad-valenciana/mindfulness-para-mejorar-la-productividad-GA12129069